Russian jokes/Putin

From Liberpedia
Putin's propagandists on TV said nuclear war is fine because patriotic Russians will go to Heaven. Heaven heard it and immediately applied to join NATO!

Putin dies and goes to hell. After a while, he's given a day off.
So he goes to a Moscow bar, orders a drink and asks the bartender:
Is Crimea ours?
And the Donbas?
Also ours.
We got that too.
Satisfied, he drinks and asks:
Thanks. How much do I owe you?
5 euros.


Putin visits a new pig farm inaugurated in occupied Crimea. Ria Novosti journalists discuss what text to place under the photo of this visit:
– Maybe “President Putin among the pigs”?
– Or “Pigs around President Putin”?
After long discussions, the photo is published, with the following text: “Third from the right, Putin”