Briahna Joy Gray

From Liberpedia

rolling her eyes at Ukrainian victims

Interesting to see an erstwhile Bernie Sanders progressive suddenly tout the importance of fiscal frugality and the need for everyone to be fucked over equally for the sake of even-handedness.

I’m sure it’s got nothing to do with dumbass knee-jerk tankie contrarianism though.

Like, how hard is it to say “We must support Ukrainians in their fight against colonial subjugation, and we also need to ensure that other people and other countries in need also get the help they deserve?”

But no, she can’t say that lest she untangle herself from her web of delusions about how (1) the only real imperialism is US imperialism and, thus, (2) no other country can be imperialist and, thus, (3) countries victimized by other imperialist states aren’t actually victims.

rolling her eyes at Israeli victims