Conservatism and Trumpism

From Liberpedia

Good text[1] on how the US Republican Party should return to normal conservatism after all the damage done to it by Trumpism. In particular, a qualitative definition of the conservatism of a healthy person is given:

(1) Humans are flawed creatures; (2) Reason is powerful but limited and prone to error; (3) Utopian thinking is dangerous, especially when combined with ideologies that promote concentrated political power; (4) Humans should respect tradition and custom; and (5) Intuition is an important guide to social policy.

(1) Люди несовершенные существа (2) Разум - могущественный инструмент, но ограниченный и подверженный ошибкам (3) Утопическое мышление опасно, особенно когда совмещено с идеологиями, которые проповедуют концентрацию политической власти (4) Следует уважать традиции и обычаи (5) Интуиция - это важный навигатор в отношении социальной политики.

There, further, more about all points, as well as why far right and Trump populism is not so much conservatism as something resembling leftist movements, with the same utopian thinking and the desire to break the status quo. Also note that there are no items on the list about hatred of feminists, gays, migrants and other petty zigging.

Mihail Pojarsky 2021-01-27