Isabella Maria DeLuca

From Liberpedia
Revision as of 16:22, 24 June 2023 by Turion (talk | contribs) (Created page with " People don’t like Putin simply because the media tells them that they shouldn’t like Putin. I for one, actually like Putin. I agree with a lot of what he says. Putin has defended the family unit, he has protected his country from dangerous far-Left ideologies such as “gender-affirming care”— that threaten the very framework of normalcy and function within a nation, he castrates pedophiles, protec...")
(diff) ←Older revision | view current revision (diff) | Newer revision→ (diff) People don’t like Putin simply because the media tells them that they shouldn’t like Putin.

I for one, actually like Putin. I agree with a lot of what he says.

Putin has defended the family unit, he has protected his country from dangerous far-Left ideologies such as “gender-affirming care”— that threaten the very framework of normalcy and function within a nation, he castrates pedophiles, protects children from mutilation, and doesn’t like Joe Biden

It wouldn’t surprise me if it comes out that the United States paid Wagner.

The world’s most evil actors want Putin dead.