
From Liberpedia
russia, aka Muscovy, and its colonial empire
Границы России нигде не заканчивается - russia’s borders end nowhere
вернём границы 1945 года! - Let’s bring back the borders of 1945!
сильная россия —strong russia
worth it.


Russia is not squeaky clean. Russia is what it is. And we are not ashamed of showing who we are.

Sergey Lavrov, Lavrov: Russia is not squeaky clean and not ashamed, 17 June 2022

russia[4], also known as Muscovy or Nihilistan, is a KGB-run dictatorship[5], expansionist colonial empire, and state sponsor of terrorism[6][7].

It is the legal successor of the genocidal Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (the evil empire) and its ruling ideology is referred to as Kremlinism. Its supporters are referred to as vatniks, tankies, useful idiots, and Kremlintarians. Its victims are referred to as russophobes.

Its ruler is traditionnaly referred to as “tsar” (or “czar”, from latin Caesar). The current tsar is KGB lieutenant-colonel and former Communist Party of the Soviet Union member Vladmir Putin, possibly the richest man in the world through sheer corruption [8].


Long time observers may be confused why Russia so readily embraces the most obviously conflicted ideologies.

Ideologies are just costumes for Russia. Underlying everything is a religious belief in an all powerful Czar, and in salvation through enduring and inflicting suffering.

Roman Skaskiw, March 2, 2023

Continuity with USSR


Russia is the only country surrounded by the West on all sides!

State symbols

Totally not communist, not the evil empire anymore, don’t you worry!



Immigration Opportunities




LGBT rights



Prison culture


Family values

Respect for the military

Ordinary russians

Tolerance and Diversity

Tourism promotion


Famous russians

Historical heroes


The main criterion to be on this list of "people admired by russians" seems to be... having murdered a lot of russians:

В мае 2021 года среди самых выдающихся личностей, по мнению россиян, оказались: И. Сталин (39%), В. Ленин (30%), А. Пушкин (23%), Пётр I (19%) и В. Путин (15%). Доля тех, кто называл В. Путина сократилась в два раза по сравнению с 2017 годом.

In May 2021, among the most prominent personalities, according to Russians, were: I. Stalin (39%), V. Lenin (30%), A. Pushkin (23%), Peter I (19%) and V. Putin ( 15%).

Левада-Центр [9]


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