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Germany's reparations were reduced multiple times, then Hitler stopped paying them entirely in 1933. How did that cause a war that Hitler started 5 years later?

The "WWI caused WWII" line is German propaganda, which Keynes popularized after learning it from the German Treasury Ministry guy he had an affair with at the Versailles conference. Failure to enforce Versailles led to WWII.

Mises was right, as usual, saying failure to enforce Versailles was the cause of WWII, and Keynes was wrong. But you "Rothbardians" agree w/ Keynes and memory-hole Mises on this.

The “Treaty of Versailles led to Hitler” narrative must be one of the most repeated and harmful falsehoods about the 20th century, and it leads people to draw utterly wrong conclusions about the present.

Keynes also believed that Germany would be unable to pay the more than 2 billion marks in reparations for the next 30 years, but Mantoux contends that German rearmament spending was seven times as much as that figure in each year between 1933 and 1939.[28] René Albrecht-Carrié in 1965 claimed that Weimar Germany, well before Hitler secretly began to rebuild the German military, could not keep up its reparations payments, which were renegotiated several times, and were later the subject of several reorganizational schemes such as the Dawes Plan and the Young Plan. He also argued that reparation payments and other requirements of the Treaty crippled the German economy, a view shared by the British, who proposed in 1922 the cancellation of all reparations and debts arising from the war – including Allied debts to the United States[notes 1] – a proposal which did not find favour in France or the US. However, the historian Sally Marks, writing in 2013, claimed that Germany had the financial capacity to pay reparations.[29] She also claimed that Germany paid minimal reparations after 1921 and that "it is hard to conceive that something that was not happening or that was occurring only minimally could have caused all that is often attributed to reparations, including the great inflation".[30]