Mick Wallace

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Revision as of 04:18, 11 January 2023 by Turion (talk | contribs) (Created page with "* [https://twitter.com/ImpOfWar/status/1595501741730136064 Mick Wallace] [https://twitter.com/WeLoveNATO/status/1595500567224360961] https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1613077071172980737.html https://twitter.com/P_Kallioniemi/status/1613077071172980737 In today's #vatnik soup I'll introduce an Irish politician and a MEP from (South) Ireland: Mick Wallace. He aligns himself strongly with another Irish MEP, Clare Daly, and his love for both Russia and China has been evi...")
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https://twitter.com/P_Kallioniemi/status/1613077071172980737 In today's #vatnik soup I'll introduce an Irish politician and a MEP from (South) Ireland: Mick Wallace. He aligns himself strongly with another Irish MEP, Clare Daly, and his love for both Russia and China has been evident in his recent comments and appearances.