Liberty Against Fascism

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Revision as of 03:06, 18 December 2022 by Turion (talk | contribs) (Created page with " Restating the Obvious: An Open Letter from the Libertarian Movement Today (August 12th, 2017), the “Unite the Right” rally is scheduled to proceed in Charlottesville, VA. The “Right” being united there isn’t just any “Right,” but one that welcomes white supremacists and self-described fascists. Multiple speakers will say this themselves, and the chants at a chaotic pre-event march the night before included Neo-N...")
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Restating the Obvious: An Open Letter from the Libertarian Movement Today (August 12th, 2017), the “Unite the Right” rally is scheduled to proceed in Charlottesville, VA. The “Right” being united there isn’t just any “Right,” but one that welcomes white supremacists and self-described fascists. Multiple speakers will say this themselves, and the chants at a chaotic pre-event march the night before included Neo-Nazi slogans.

The purpose of this letter is to clarify the role for libertarianism in this rally – which is no role at all.

That clarification is necessary because it might appear otherwise. Three of the listed speakers have at one time or another identified as libertarians: Mike Enoch, Augustus Invictus, and Christopher Cantwell. Mike Enoch previously called himself a libertarian, but now mocks the philosophy as “autistic.” Augustus Invictus previously attempted to run for Senate through the Libertarian Party. Recently, though, he publicly changed his registration to Republican in disgust. Christopher Cantwell now seems ambivalent about his relationship with libertarianism and anarchism, but his primary identification is with fascism.

Regardless of how any speakers or attendees have identified in the past or present, we want to make clear that this event is not in any way a place for libertarianism. Among libertarians, some identify as “right-wing,” some as “left-wing,” and some as “radical centrists.” Virtually the entire outside political spectrum is mirrored within libertarianism, and this makes for no shortage of infighting. One area where the undersigned have consensus, however, is in a rejection of any attempt to connect white supremacy and fascism to libertarianism. Libertarians, including those who see themselves as on “the Right,” have no interest in uniting with the horrifically authoritarian “Right” – often called the “Alt-Right” – rallying in Charlottesville.

All this should be exceedingly obvious from even a cursory glance at the two movements.

On a historical note, modern-day libertarianism largely took root in the English-speaking world through Jewish intellectuals, some of whom fled the Nazis. Our movement grew as a revolt against fascism, Communism, and early twentieth-century progressivism. As Thomas Leonard has shown in his Illiberal Reformers, that third enemy’s intellectual history is closely interwoven with eugenics.

On the level of philosophy, libertarianism stresses the freedom of individuals even when that freedom goes against some supposed collective will. The entire point behind a politics of white supremacy is to replace free association with endless central planning and regulation on collectivist racial grounds. “Unite the Right” speaker Richard Spencer actively seeks to turn the United States into a 100% white ethno-state. It is impossible to conceive of this happening without a return of the total state and its horrors.

Despite the obvious incompatibility of that totalitarianism and libertarianism (of any kind), an attempted association between the two is unsurprising. Attempts at rebooting authoritarian movements often operate through a tactic called entryism. Entryism is where a smaller political movement attempts to capture a larger one and seize its resources. In cases like fascism and Communism, the tendency towards entryism is probably a joint product of amoral opportunism and an inability to rationally defend their views.

It is necessary, then, for libertarians to restate the exceedingly obvious and insist on the stark differences between our views and those of anyone with any affinity for National Socialist Germany.

We, the undersigned, affirm such a gulf between liberty and its opposite.

To sign this letter, please send your name and any other information you’d like to include (such as an institutional affiliation) to libertyagainstfascism at gmail dot com.

SIGNATORIES (updated 09/11/2017 — if you have signed but don’t see your name, feel free to send a follow-up email:

Dominique Abshire Corey Adkison Julian Adorney Diane Aguilar Asaf Almog (University of Virginia) John Amari Paul E. Altum Media Ambassador, (Young Americans for Liberty) Joshua Ammons Tim Andrews (Executive Director, Australian Taxpayers’ Alliance) Caroline Andrews Melanie Angel Ibrahim B. Anoba (Acting Executive Director, African Liberty Organization for Development – Lagos, Nigeria) Alex Aragona Meg Arnold (Social Media Coordinator, Center for a Stateless Society) Bunyamin Aydin (3H Movement) The Badmin (Bad Memes for Bad Boys with Bad Politics) Charles W. Baird (Professor of Economics, Emeritus, CSU East Bay) Neil Edward Ball, II Matt Baltsar (Chair, Libertarian Party of Philadelphia) Michael Barker (Cañada Tree Care) Kelly M. Barnes Robert Bartnik (Regional Coordinator – South Australia; Australia & New Zealand Students For Liberty [ANZSFL]) Duston Barto (Co-Director, Foothills Interfaith Assembly) Adam Bates David T. Beito Omar Benmegdoul Richard Bennett (libertarian in Illinois) Erin Berkenpas ([Lahman]) Gene Berkman (Owner, Renaissance Bookshop – Riverside, CA; Former Chair, Riverside County Libertarian Party; Attendee, Founding Convention of the Libertarian Party – Denver, CO, June 1972; Blog Operator, California Libertarian Report / Scott Bieser (cartoonist / creator, Quantum Vibe) Vincent Birrittella Drew C. Bisson Lauren Blomberg Jake Douglas Bobay (Ronald Reagan Fellow, Goldwater Institute; surrogate delegate, Iowa for Rand Paul; veteran political operative; former Executive Board Member, Arizona State University College Republicans; former member, ASU Young Americans for Liberty; former Campus Coordinator, Students For Liberty; political writer, libertarian, activist, commentator, social critic, The Libertarian Republic; Liberty Viral;; Punk Rock Libertarians; Newslogue; – *formerly* [emphasis in signature email] contributed content at The Liberty Conservative) Eric Boehm (Reporter, Reason Magazine) Matthew Bohler (Member, Libertarian Party of Florida) Jess Boldt Chris Bordelon (Member, Libertarian Party of Louisiana) Donald Boudreaux Scott Bowers (industrial chemical / robotics manufacturer) Kevin Boyd (writer and commentator) Steven Brenize (Secretary, Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania; Founder, Pennsylvanians for Liberty / Michael Bronspigel (Capitalism is Freedom Foundation) Adam Brooks Elizabeth Nolan Brown (Brown Associate Editor, Janet Bufton (Program Coordinator, Institute for Liberal Studies) Scott Bush Jason Lee Byas (Fellow, Center for a Stateless Society) Zach Cadman Ryan Calhoun (Fellow, Center for a Stateless Society) Jose Amilcar Camilo Jeff Campbell Kevin A. Carson (Senior Fellow, Center for a Stateless Society) Jason Casella (People Against the NDAA; Tax Revolution Institute; Solutions Institute) Angela Castille-O’Keefe Philip Cavender Renee Centore-Kelly Lisa Charly (Member, Outright Libertarians) Paul T. Charters (Secretary, NEOK LP) Gary Chartier Billy Christmas Angel Clark David Clement (North American Programs Director, Students For Liberty) Doreen Cleyre (Editor-in-Chief, Carolyn “Care” Clift (2014 Candidate for Alaska Governor, Libertarian Party) David C. Cohen David Colborne (Chair, Washoe County Libertarian Party; Vice-Chair, Libertarian Party of Nevada) J.C. Cook (Vice Chair, Libertarian Party – Henderson County, TX) Nick Cooper (Campus Coordinator, Students For Liberty; Former Chapter Chairman, America’s Future Foundation) William Corey Nicholas Cote (President, Right Way Forward Virginia) Andy Craig (Political Director, Libertarian Pragmatist Caucus; Endorsements Director, Johnson/Weld 2016) Andrew Criscione (organizer, Boston Austrian Economics Group) Tyler Crock Joshua D. Crossland Michael Croteau (Member, Libertarian Party) Jim Cunagin Kevin Currie-Knight (Teaching Assistant Professor, East Carolina University College of Education) Helen Dale (Miles Franklin Literary Award Winner) Allen Dalton Jonathan Daniel (Undergraduate Student Philosopher, William Jewell College) Ian Darwin John David (Ward Santa Clara County Libertarian Party) Danielle Davidson (Australian Libertarian Society) Nathan C. Davis Gabriel de Andrade (Students For Liberty Brazil; Instituto de Formação de Líderes de Santa Catarina – Brazil) Dave Dellinger (Former Member of the National Platform Committee, Libertarian Party) Alexander M. DiBenedetto (Chairman, Libertarian Pragmatist Caucus; Executive Director, Libertarian Party of Nevada) Eric D. Dixon Rachel Douchant (Professor of Philosophy; Director, Liberty & Ethics Center, Lindenwood University) Steve Dutner (Candidate for Illinois Secretary of State, Libertarian Party; Activism Director, Libertarian Party of Illinois; Vice Chair, Dupage Libertarians) Paul Dutton Thomas R. Eddlem Ed Enos Idan Eretz (Liberty for All; Students For Liberty) Sam Erickson (Founder and President, Illini Libertarians) Angela Fisher (Philanthropist) Micah J. Fleck Steve Foerster (President, New World University) Eric Fogelberg (Free the People) Fred Foldvary Paul Frankel Joanna Fransisco Caleb Franz (Podcast Director, OUTSET Network; Host, MilLiberty) Jeremy Frederick (Communications Director, Libertarian Party of Douglas County, Nebraska) Colin French Cody Frosh (Students For Liberty) Jesse Michael Fullington (Executive Director, Libertarian Leadership Academy; Tennessee State Representative Candidate 79th District; Young Americans for Liberty; Students For Liberty; Tennessee State Director, Libertarian Youth Caucus; Vice President, The Recuro Initiative; Contributor, Think Liberty) Jon Gabso (Member, Libertarian Party & Libertarian Party of Rhode Island) Jill Galvan (Dankertarians; LPMN; LP) Alexis Garretson Jason Gatties (Elected Tribal Official, Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians) Cole Gentles (self-identified Really, Really, Really Cool Dude) Carla Gericke Matt Gerig (Libertarian Party of Georgia) Charlie Gers (Students For Liberty) Matthew Gilliland Zac Gochenour George Godwyn Mike Gogulski Peter Golightly Camilo Gómez J.P. Gonzales Nathan Goodman Moshe Gorin Stephen J. Goulet (The Society for Creative Anarchism) Rhett R. Grassette (Libertarian Party of Louisiana) Anthony Gregory Phillip Griffith Caitlin Grimes (Global Communications Manager, Students for Liberty) Josh Guckert (Former Editor in Chief, The Libertarian Republic) Gilbert Guerra (President, Swarthmore Conservative Society at Swarthmore College) Brandon Gunn (Libertarian Party; Libertarian Party of Illinois) Brian Hagen Jay P. Hailey (Taxi Driver, Spokane, WA.) Romo Hallahan Neil Hannan Caryn Ann Harlos Tracy Bruce Harms Stuart Hatch (Executive Director, Australian Libertarian Society) Sean Haugh Luke Henderson (Contributor, The Libertarian Vindicator; Executive Committeeman, Missouri Libertarian Party) Donald J. Henning, PhD. (Member, Libertarian Party, Libertarian Party of Illinois, Sons of Confederate Veterans) Chris Hernandez Lee Herridge (creator, Aussie Liberty; host / producer, Taking Liberties Radio) Fred Hewitt (Libertarian Christian Anarchist) Brian Hibbs Mark Hilgenberg (Former State Chair, Libertarian Party of Utah) Matt Hisrich (Quaker Libertarians) Bradley K. Hobbs (Clinical Professor of Economics, Clemson University) Reece Holl Crystal Hollis Steve Horwitz (John H. Schnatter Distinguished Professor of Free Enterprise, Ball State University) Adam G. “Brick” House Joseph Howe (Officer, Libertarian Party of Iowa; Johnson 2016 Volunteer Coordinator; Rand Paul 2016 Polk County Chair) Michael HubbardCe John M. Hudak (; Think Liberty) Christopher R. Hudson, Jr. Trevor Hultner (Investigations Coordinator, Center for a Stateless Society; cohost/producer, The Terminus Podcast) Clayton Hunt (Chapter President, Young Americans for Liberty; Founding Member, LP Audacious Caucus; Pastafarian minister; prospective candidate, Libertarian Party) Jack Hunter (Politics Editor, David Huther Cliff Hyra (Candidate for Governor of Virginia, Libertarian Party) Bryant Jackson-Green Jonathan Jaech Michael Jage John Jascob Parker M. Jenkins Harriet Jesper Dan Johnson (Former National Director, People Against the NADA; Solutions Institute; Tax Revolution Institute; Current Executive Director, We Do Better) Bill Jokela Peter Jordan Benjamin Judah (Phelps Member, Libertarian Party & Libertarian Party of Washington State; Former Regional Director, LPWA for King and Snohomish Counties; former candidate for Washington State House of Representatives) Nazlican Kanmaz Boris Karpa Joshua A. Katz (At-large representative, Libertarian National Committee; former elected Planning Commissioner, Westbrook, CT; Webster Scholar, Washington University in St. Louis School of Law) Angela Keaton Jason Keisling Tavish Kelly (Former State Chair, Young Americans for Liberty) C. Edward Kelso (author of The Market Anarchist: Do Not Let the Hero in Your Soul Perish) Ashley Kessler Kelly Kidwell (former student leader, Students For Liberty & Young Americans for Liberty) Michael Kielsky (Attorney at Law; former Chairman, Arizona Libertarian Party; Libertarian Candidate for Arizona Attorney General) Shane Killian (podcaster, Bogosity; YouTuber, shanedk) Scott King Thomas Knapp (William Lloyd Garrison Center for Libertarian Advocacy Journalism) E. Zachary Knight Jeremy Kolassa Paul Krane (Vice President, BSC Spectrum, Birmingham-Southern College; Perennial Congressional Candidate) Kathryn Kuntz Ashley Kuvet (Former Texas State Chair, Young Americans for Liberty; Campus Coordinator, Students For Liberty) Jason Kuznicki Harold Kyriazi (geolibertarian) Jared Labell (Executive Director, The Libertarian Institute; Taxpayers United of America) Jerrod A. Laber (writer & non-profit program director) Jerry Ladd Angel Lauver Mark LeBar Otto Lehto Eric Leja Michael W. Lettie Shawn Levasseur (; past chairman, Libertarian Party of Maine) Jacob T. Levy Libertarians For Immigrants Todd A. “Yogi” Light (Member, Libertarian Party of Chicago) John Lindley Savannah Lindquist (North American Communications Chair, Students For Liberty) Desarae Lindsey (Operations Director, #VoteDifferent & #DisruptTheVote) Lexi Linnell Steve Lolyouwish (blogger, A Sisyphean Revolt) Roderick Long (Professor of Philosophy, Auburn University; President, Molinari Institute & Molinari Society; Senior Fellow, Center for a Stateless Society; Co-Editor, Molinari Review & Journal of Ayn Rand Studies) Steve Long (Former Chair, Oklahoma Libertarian Party) Stephen Lusk (Campus Coordinator, Students For Liberty) Siobhan Lynch (Outright Libertarians) Earl D. Lyons Chris Machold (UC Davis School of Law, JD Class of 2020) Yusuf Mahmood (Students For Liberty) Bruce Majors (Contributor, The Hill; writer, Breitbart, Daily Caller, The Federalist) Akiva Malamet Sean Malone (Director of Media, Foundation for Economic Education) Michael Mangold (MD) Nick Manley (Center for a Stateless Society; Libertarian Institute; Molinari Review; Alliance of the Libertarian Left) Melissa Mann (Reason Foundation) Satyajeet Marar (Director, MyChoice Australia) John Markley Shal Marriott (Campus Coordinator; Students For Liberty) Nicolas Martin (Consumer Health Education Council) John C. Martin Keir Martland (Cambridge University; Ludwig von Mises Centre UK) Christopher Santo Mason Cory Massimino (Senior Academic Programs Chair, Students For Liberty; Mutual Exchange Coordinator, Center for a Stateless Society) Joey McAuley (wanted me to list him as being with the Human Fund, may as well.) Matthew McCaffrey (University of Manchester; Editor, Libertarian Papers; Associated Scholar, Ludwig von Mises Institute) Conor McGarry (Former State Chair & Chapter President, Young Americans For Liberty; Former Campus Coordinator, Students For Liberty; Member, Republican Liberty Caucasus) Alex McHugh (Communications Coordinator, Students For Liberty) Peg McIntyre Sergio Méndez Peter Mentzel (Senior Fellow, Liberty Fund) Jacob R. Meyer Noah Mickel (Campus Coordinator, Students For Liberty; Campus Coordinator, Turning Point USA; Campus Ambassador, Foundation for Economic Education) Diana Miller, (MSN, RN) Rachel Mills (Former Communications Director, Congressman Ron Paul; Contributor, FEE; Campaign Manager, Sean Haugh for Senate; Podcaster, Politics After Dark) Grant A. Mincy (Energy & Environment Advisory Council Member, Our America Initiative) Gabriel Mitchell Todd Mitchem (Senior Government and Community Affairs Liaison; 2018 Candidate for US Congress) Maryam Mohammed Mase R. Molina (RVG Libertarians) Andie Moore (Vice-Chairperson, Australia & New Zealand Students For Liberty) Carol Moore (Webmaster, Daphna Morell (Students For Liberty Israel; Ladies Of Liberty Alliance) Trey Morrison Nick Morphus (Founder, The Rational Libertarian) John Moser (Professor of History, Ashland University) Kenneth Mulvena Iain Murray (Vice President, Competitive Enterprise Institute) Todd Myers (Professor of Political Economy) Steve Mynott Eric Mytko Geoff Nathan (Professor of Linguistics, Wayne State University [retired]; long-time libertarian) William Nava Ryan Neugebauer (Individualist Anarchist) William Newell Kevin Nguyen Paul Nicolosi (Attorney) Mikayla Novak (Adjunct Fellow, Institute of Public Affairs, Australia) Avens O’Brien (Chapter Leader, Ladies of Liberty Alliance; Contributor, The Libertarian Republic; Former Vice Chair, Libertarian Party of New Hampshire) Nicholas O’Connell James E. O’Gallagher James R. Oaksun (Former National Treasurer [2010]; Libertarian Party) Association of (Libertarian Feminists) Jonathan Okun Max Ortengren (Vice President, College Republicans, Florida Gulf Coast University) Christopher D. Osborn (Member, Lions of Liberty podcast’s Lion Guard [Oslo, Norway]”) Brad Pahigian Tom Palmer Kevin Parker (founder, Sam Parkinson Geoff Parks David L. Parks Gralee Parr Michael Payne (Libertarian Party of Kentucky) Ian Peak (Volunteers Director, Libertarian Party of Illinois; Chair, South Central Libertarians) Tom Pearson (Greater Mekong Research Center) Robert Allen Pepiton II (Treasurer, Maricopa County Libertarian Party; Treasurer Arizona Libertarian Party) James Peron (Moorfield Storey Institute; Darryl W. Perry (2016 Presidential candidate; Owner/Managing Editor, Free Press Publications; CEO, Liberty Lobby LLC; Chair, Libertarian Party of New Hampshire) Leslee Ann Petersen (Outright Libertarians; Povertarian Caucus; Audacious Caucus) Jeff Peterson II (We the Individuals) Nick Pham (Officer, Young Americans for Liberty at the University of Texas at Austin) C. Michael Pickens (Libertarian Leadership Academy) Alex Pilkington (Students For Liberty) Kyle A. Platt Geoffrey Allan Plauché Colin Flynn Porter Chad Post (Vagabond Expat) Tony Prashad (Sovereign Individual, Urban Farm Educator) Sharon Presley (Association of Libertarian Feminists) Joseph F. Pritchard (quadriplegic poet and author) Daniel Pryor (Education Manager, Adam Smith Institute) Jill Pyeatt Adam Raby Brian Ramsdell Sam Raptis (Former Campus Coordinator, Students For Liberty) Erik Raudsep (Raudsep 2018 for NC House) Campbell Ray (State Coordinator, Students For Liberty Queensland, Australia) James M. Ray (Libertarian and anarcho-capitalist living in Florida) Patrick Rear Trey Reginelli Nick Reid (Comrad Hermit Exiled in Happy Valley) Guilherme Reis Timothy Retzlaff (Libertarian Party of Washington State) Julio Rey (old-school Christian punk/metal guitarist) Jaycey Reynhold Andrew Reynolds Laurie Rice (Foundation for Economic Education; Association of Libertarian Feminists) Charles Richardson (blogger, The World is Not Enough, Australia) Sheldon Richman (Executive Editor, The Libertarian Institute) Andrew J. Richter (Ohio) Morgan Rigg (Member, Libertarian Party) Jeff Riggenbach Brett Ritchey Johnny L. Robinson (Multidisciplinary Artist) Christopher L. Roby Brendan Roman Jim Rongstad (Secretary, Libertarian Party of Minnesota [1998 – 2003]) Mara Jyn Roth Wendy Rae Roush Corey J. Rusko (Former Campus Coordinator, Students for Liberty; Koch Fellow: Policy, Summer 2016) Janice Russell Mark W. Rutherford (Former Vice-Chair, Libertarian National Committee) Christopher Ryan (Ballard) Lawrence Samuels (author; Committee Against Fascist Economics [CAFÉ]) Nicholas Sarwark (Chairman, Libertarian National Committee) Lizz Sawyer Nathaniel Scalf Leslie Scardigno T.J. Scholl Eric Schuler (Contributor, The Libertarian Institute) Bruce W. Schultz Andrew Scobie Daniel Scott Marc Scribner (Senior Fellow, Competitive Enterprise Institute) Chris Shaeffer Mohammed Mohsen Shaker (Chairman, Tampa Bay RLC; Co-Host, Muddied Waters of Freedom podcast) Omry Shapira (Former Local Coordinator, Students For Liberty) Benjamin Shapiro Andrea Shepard Mike Shipley (Chair, Outright Libertarians) Anna Shnaidman (Regional Director for Southern Europe, European Students for Liberty) Zachary Silva Thomas T. Simmons (Professor Emeritus of Economics, Greenfield Community College; 2016 Libertarian Congressional candidate) Bryan Simonson Richard Sincere (Co-Founder, Gays and Lesbians for Individual Liberty; Former Chairman, Libertarian Party of Virginia) Nicholas Singleton (Students For Liberty) Sarah Skwire (Senior Fellow, Liberty Fund, Inc.) Brinck Slattery Alexander R. Smith Pepper Snyder Robby Soave (Associate Editor, Reason) Paul Stanton Starchild (At-Large Representative, Libertarian National Committee) Veronica Stefanko Lucy Steigerwald (writer) Jonathan Steinbiser (Member, Libertarian Party) Alexander Stevens (Policy Associate, IER) Scott T. Stevenson Robert K. Stock Wendy Stolyarov (Legislative Director, Libertarian Party of Nevada) Ben Stone (Bad Quaker) Stephan Stylianides Steve Suess (Communications Division Director, Libertarian Party of Illinois; Candidate for McLean County IL Board) Nabil Sultani (Young Americans for Liberty) Eric Joseph Szymanski II Tom Tague Dawud Talib (Muslims 4 Liberty) Michael Tanner Andrew Taranto Karl Thomas (Luecke) Anthony Q. Thompson (Attorney) John Tierney (Not the New York Times One or the Politician) Eric Tillman (President, Young Americans for Liberty – NKU Chapter😉 Jerry N. Titus Steve Trinward (Soul Proprietor, trinWORDS; Contributing Editor, Rational Review News Digest; Editor, Progressive News Digest) Jeffrey Tucker (Foundation for Economic Education) Justin Tucker (Chair, The Libertarian Party of Chicago; Deputy Field Director, Libertarian Party of Illinois) Jim Turney (Former Chair, Libertarian National Committee [1985-88]) James Tuttle (Financial Coordinator, Center for a Stateless Society) Dan Ust Elisha Valdez (ERRVoluntaryist) Paul K. Vallandigham (Member, Libertarian Party; CA State LP, Riverside County LP) Elizabeth Van Horn (Vice-Chair, Libertarian Pragmatist Caucus; Secretary, Libertarian Party Madison Co, IN.) Duke Van Horn (Secretary, Libertarian Pragmatist Caucus) Rob Addison Van Tuinen (Artists for Free Expression; Host, The Third Perspective) Justin Vavak Jesse Velay-Vitow (Students For Liberty) Dr. Wolf von Laer (Chief Executive Officer, Students For Liberty) Bobby Wakesleep Kitty Antonik Wakfer (Self-Sovereign Individual Project) Will Walker Jesse Walker (books editor, Reason) Skylar Walker Kieran Wall (University of Ottawa Liberty Society) Jillian Waller Josh “Jack” Walsh Arthur R. Wardle Kennita Watson (Executive Committee, Santa Clara County Libertarian Party) Garrett S. Watson Kent Weatherbee Thomas J. Webb Lee Webber Bob Weber (Two-time Southern Vice-Chair, Libertarian Party of California) Jody Weitzman Joe Wendt Hap Werther (Shadow LNC Member, LP Audacious Caucus; Founder/Director, LA Justice Reform Coalition; Elections & Media Committee Member, LP of Louisiana; At-large Member, LP of St Tammany Parish) Ken White (Writer & First Amendment Attorney) Adam Whitley Keith E. Whittington (William Nelson Cromwell Professor of Politics, Princeton University) Robert Wicks Socrates Wilde Cooper Williams David Earl Williams III (2018 Illinois Libertarian Lt. Governor candidate) Joel Williamson (Non Serviam Media) Ryan Willis S. Rowan Wilson, MBA (Plaintiff Wilson v. Holder ‘guns & pot’) Jonathan Winder (Libertarian Party – Mohave County, Arizona) Zachary Woodman (Students For Liberty) Jacob Woolbright Bill Woolsey (Associate Professor of Economics, The Citadel; Mayor, Town of James Island) Kelly Wright (Former Student Leader, Students For Liberty & Young Americans for Liberty) Joel D. Wurnig Eric Yao Rob York Zachary Yost (Young Voices Advocate) Ellen Young Or Ben Zvi Reif Matt Zwolinski (Professor of Philosophy, University of San Diego) λιμπερταριανισμός (Greek YouTube channel)