
From Liberpedia
Revision as of 23:44, 12 October 2022 by Turion (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The "WWI caused WWII" line is German propaganda, which Keynes popularized after learning it from the German Treasury Ministry guy he had an affair with at the Versailles conference. Failure to enforce Versailles led to WWII. Mises was right, as usual, saying failure to enforce Versailles was the cause of WWII, and Keynes was wrong. But you "Rothbardians" agree w/ Keynes and memory-hole Mises on this.")
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The "WWI caused WWII" line is German propaganda, which Keynes popularized after learning it from the German Treasury Ministry guy he had an affair with at the Versailles conference. Failure to enforce Versailles led to WWII.

Mises was right, as usual, saying failure to enforce Versailles was the cause of WWII, and Keynes was wrong. But you "Rothbardians" agree w/ Keynes and memory-hole Mises on this.