Donbass Devushka

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Revision as of 15:07, 10 September 2023 by Turion (talk | contribs)
when you can’t decide if your name is in Ukrainian, Russian, or English...
her “boss” is a terrorist wanted by the FBI
  • American vatnik and liar (claims to be Native Russian speaker, fakes a Russian-accent, actually native English speaker, presumably doesn’t speak a word of Russian. none of her podcasts guests noticed —or pretended not to notice —including actual russians such as Igor Lopatonok, sic)
  • “Donbass Devushka” (pseudo-russian nickname, also sometimes spelled by herself with the Ukrainian-Russian spelling mix “Donbas Devushka”[1] (sic) and even “Donbas Devochka” [2] (sic); in actual Russian it would be “девушка с Донбасса” - Devushka s Donbassa), Lyudmila Mikhailova Kazakova (fake russian name), Sarah Marie Bils (real American name)

DD Geopolitics
