Aleksandr Dugin

From Liberpedia

russian fascist. Aleksandr Gelyevich Dugin (Russian: Александр Гельевич Дугин; born 7 January 1962) is a Russian political philosopher,[5] analyst, and strategist, known for views widely characterized as fascist.[6][7][8][9][10][11][12]

Considered by some in the West to be “Putin’s philosopher”,[13] Dugin is said to have laid the ideological groundwork for the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022[14][15] as part of his advocacy for Ukraine becoming “a purely administrative sector of the Russian centralized state”, which he refers to as Novorossiya (New Russia).[16] Others contend that Dugin’s influence within the Russian government has been greatly exaggerated, an impression given by correlations between his work and Russian foreign policy.[17] Dugin calls for an illiberal totalitarian Russian Empire to control the Eurasian continent from Dublin to Vladivostok to challenge America and “Atlanticism”.[18][19]

He is a prominent ideologue of Russian fascism, calling for a “blinding star of a new Russian Revolution, a fascism as boundless as our lands, and as red as our blood” as early as 1997.


Absolute war

An absolute war

For the first time in history, Russia is fighting an absolute war. All previous wars were relative and prototypes, prefigurations of this one, which is the main one. Only this war is the final one, the last and irreversibly significant. It is clear that we do not yet understand it. What is happening is beyond the comprehension of even those involved in it, even those who started it. For the first time at the other end is absolute evil - not partial, not relative; it is not even the West, much less the ephemeral transient entity of so called "Ukraine", however hellish it may seem: it is something much deeper. This is humanity's last war. Only Russia, with a few others, has decisively taken the side of Truth, but has not understood how. It is for this historical moment that we, Russians, have been created. Regardless of how it ends, preparations for the Last Judgement are in full swing. The watershed is cutting across the planet: on this side or on the other. Humanity is torn apart. History is a movement from one to two. In the beginning there was only one Adam. In the end there are two: Adam and his black double.

Aleksandr Dugin, [3]

Genocide of Ukrainians

я думаю убивать, убивать и убивать. Больше разговоров никаких не должно быть. Как профессор я так считаю.

We must kill, kill and kill Ukrainians. No need to talk to them. This is my opinion as a professor.

Александр Дугин [4] [5]

Украину надо очистить от идиотов. Геноцид кретинов напрашивается сам собой. Кретинов злобных, закрытых для голоса Логоса, смертельно опасных и… при всем этом неимоверно глупых. Я не верю, что это украинцы. Украинцы прекрасный славянский народ. Это какая-то появившаяся из канализационных люков раса ублюдков.

Ukraine must be cleaned of idiots. The genocide of these cretins suggests itself. Evil cretins, closed to the voice of the Logos, mortally dangerous and... for all that incredibly stupid. I don't believe they are Ukrainians. Ukrainians are a wonderful Slavic people. This is some kind of bastard race that emerged from the sewer manholes.

Aleksandr Dugin, August, 24 2014

Ghettos for surfers

Самые страшные гетто будут созданы для серфингистов, — вот это самое наглое, самое антиевразийское явление. Нет ничего более отвратительного, чем катание с белозубой улыбкой на этой омерзительной доске. Одним словом, атлантизм — это наш абсолютный враг. Больше здесь сказать нечего. Самое главное сказано. Кто не понял, ему уже ничего не поможет. Ничего.

The worst ghettos will be created for surfers. That is the most arrogant, most anti-Eurasian phenomenon. Nothing more repulsive than a grinning, white-toothed person on one of those disgusting boards. In a word, Atlanticism is our absolute enemy. There is nothing more to say. Everything that matters has already been said. If you don’t get it, I can’t help you.

Aleksandr Dugin, The Fourth Geopolitical Theory, Chapter 11 (russian version)

Spreading fascism worldwide

South America
