Murray N. Rothbard/Letter to Harry Elmer Barnes, July 30, 1966

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See also: Murray N. Rothbard/The Panthers And Black Liberation.

Letter to Harry Elmer Barnes, July 30, 1966

by Murray N. Rothbard, James Martin Papers, American Historical Center, Laramie, Wyoming. [1]

released from bondage and d iscrimination, would haTe their own republic, and be First Claas Citizens; tley would be able to imbibe all the v•rtues of ax salt-esteem and aelt-r•liance that people like Malcolm X were trying to inculcate in them. Also1 xs such a Negro Republic would gravely weaken the American Imperium1which would be an enormous gain. And, finally, we'd get the Begeoe1oft our backsl! J Henc e , all interests would be reoonoile4, and hence my enthusiasm fo r the Malaolm X's, the Stokely Carmichaela, as aompared to the compulsery integrationists of the lfliCP. How about this for a slogan: "Black Power--in a Black Republic?" All best wishes.