Association for Investment in Popular Action Committees

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Revision as of 06:34, 2 February 2023 by Turion (talk | contribs)

Max Blumenthal

Serena Shim Award for Uncompromised Integrity in Journalism ((antonym fallacy)



Scott Ritter Kim Ives Jeremy Kuzmarov Brian Berletic Oscar Leon Alina Lipp George Eliason Kit Klarenberg Jackson Hinkle Dan Kovalik Ajit Singh Ambassador Peter Ford Consortium News Alan MacLeod Richard Medhurst Danny Haiphong Margaret Kimberley Glen Ford Steven Sahiounie, Mideast Discourse The Grayzone Ryan Cristian, The Last American Vagabond Ben Norton Anya Parampil Aaron Maté Rick Sterling Dan Cohen South Front Alastair Crooke Kim Iversen Caitlin Johnstone name deleted at request of recipient (Tim Black) [2] Ajamu Baraka Julian Assange Black Agenda Report Sharmine Narwani Information Clearing House Venezuela Analysis Resumen Latinoamericano Dilyana Gaytandzhieva Finian Cunningham Gareth Porter Kevork Almassian/Syriana Analysis Moon of Alabama Whitney Webb MintPress News Max Blumenthal The Jimmy Dore Show Rania Khalek Vanessa Beeley Eva Bartlett