Alessandro Sallusti/Palace of shit

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Massimo Giletti, live from Moscow: We are in Moscow. We are in the heart of the Russian capital. We are like in a picture, known to the whole world. Over there is the Red Square. And here you can see the walls of the Kremlin, the palace in which Vladimir Putin lives. So, Vladimir Solovyov is joining me, also here with me is Professor Vakarov [ Vasyl Vakarov?] who has an Ukrainian passport, but lives in russia.

Alessandro Sallusti: No, look Massimo, Massimo, when I learned that you were going to Moscow I was very proud of knowing you and having a good relationship with you. I previously imagined that you would be speaking to the Russian people, instead of the Italian people. Then I realized no and I assumed you were talking to Putin, or a minister...something we all had to be proud of in our freedom of information. Instead I find myself, as Myrta [ Myrta Merlino ] said with more kindness than I say, in total enslavement to the worst propaganda there can be. Among other things, also using the useful idiots, which are never lacking.

Because Cacciari [ Massimo Cacciari ] at the beginning of this broadcast praised the evocative power of the Kremlin, its charm. That building that you have behind you, and you would do well to remind those next to you, is the building where the worst crimes against humanity of the last century and of this century were organised, decided and put into practice. That’s a shit building!

You should have the courage to tell your interlocutors that the building behind you is a shitty building, because communism committed the greatest tragedies of the last century and this century there. And since it saddens me to see a journalist whom I respect being called a “child”, “incompetent”, by an idiot [ Maria Zakharova ] who doesn’t even know what she is talking about, because we have freedom , we know what it is and we defend it, I’m not into the fig leaf of those other two balls next to you. So I get up, I give up the agreed fee, but I no longer want to participate in this scene. Thank you.