Kremlintarian Party

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The “Libertarian” Party is a US political party, formerly libertarian, taken over by the “Mises” Caucus.

It advocates for

  • Kremlintarianism in foreign policy [2]
  • Dissolution of the United States[3], based on the idea[4] that, while having both pro and anti-abortion members within its party [5], such disagreements can’t exist within a country [6].
  • Voting for the Republican Party [7] (?)
  • Strong opinions on epidemiology [8]
  • Thinks the US can end all wars (?) [9] and can and should disband NATO [10] [11]
  • “Whatever this is” [12]:
    Reed Cooley, LP Communications Director[1]
    (see: Hans-Hermann_Hoppe#Helicopters)

Like the Republican party is not “republican” (whatever that means) and the Democrat one does not represent democracy anymore than others, the Libertarian party is no longer libertarian.

See also