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Kremlintarianism [1] is...

It is a form of Kremlinophilia and Putinism, etc.

As such it defends Kremlinism, Russian Imperialism, etc.


Prominent Kremlintarians

  • Murray Rothbard (🎖 Order of Lenin for outstanding lifetime achievement [2])
  • Walter Block (🎖 International Stalin Prize for Strengthening Peace Among Peoples [3] for his outstanding blaming of Russian Imperialism on Germany, and his conclusion, as lifelong scholar on kremlintarian theories of justice, that: "If there were any justice in the world, Russia ... would have declared war on all the member nations of NATO, all of them without exception." [4])

Kremlintarian Dens

Studies on Kremlintarianism

Reverse straw man

Putin unicorn

Like the Republican party is not republican and the Democrat one does not represent democracy anymore than others, the Libertarian party is no longer libertarian.

is the defense of Kremlin policy [] by alleged libertarians.

arguably, it is the worst type of Kremlinism, as its purported ideas (libertarianism, antistate, antiwar, decentralization, etc) are the complete opposite of what it is actually supporting.


  • Staunchly support for the US to avoid/lose wars
  • Staunchly support for Russia to win its wars
  • favors decentralization of small states into even smaller, indefensible ones (when it would make the weaker for Russian Imperialism, favors expansion of the largest state on earth (Russian Imperialism).
  • always sides with the most anti-libertarian, most authoritarian regime in any conflict (China over Taiwan, Russia over Ukraine, anyone over Israel and the US, etc)
  • Of course, they will call their opponents "russophobobic"
  • Of course, their staunchest opponents are *Russians* (starting, of course, with the ones from Москва itself). followed by Ukrainians, Poles, etc.

Kremlintarianism is directly correlated to safe distance from the Kremlin:

Have you noticed that [ Kremlintarian ] support for Russia increases in proportion to how far the [Kremlintarian] lives from [the Kremlin]? Libertarians from Finland to Ukraine are all appalled at the betrayal. Libertarians in Russia (those who dare speak) feel similarly. Here is an appeal by the Libertarian Party of Russia. [5]

See also