Alexei Navalny

From Liberpedia

russian self-described “certified nationalist”, aspiring to be tsar of russia instead of the current tsar, Vladimir Putin.

He has been denouncing Putin’s corruption and is currently a political prisoner.

Threads by Alexei Navalny

russian marches

Speaker at the 2011 russian march

comments about immigrants and nationalism

against sending weapons to Ukraine


  • “[Navalny Defies House Arrest Terms in Online Condemnation of Russia’s Actions in Ukraine As a way out of the crisis, Navalny suggested that Kiev should grant Crimea greater autonomy while remaining part of Ukraine, guarantee the right to speak Russian in Ukraine, keep Ukraine out of NATO, and let the Russian Black Sea fleet remain in the peninsula free of charge.]”, March 12, 2014

tsar aspirations

Yes, I want Putin to go. No, I am absolutely against Alexei Navalny taking his place. Actually I’m against anyone taking Putin’s place. Changing “bad” Tsar for a “good” Tsar is not a solution.

Kamil Galeev [1]



See also