Jeremy Corbyn

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I’m a socialist and I believe in the redistribution of powers. But the shift towards a multipolar world, one where America’s global hegemonic status wanes, shouldn’t be celebrated simply as an ends to itself; especially if USA’s power is counterbalanced by states possessing deeply imperialistic and autocratic features themselves. A world where China or Russia are the leading powers is arguably worse than one where USA is the leading power. The Americans are a genuinely wretched society, one where inequality is rife, corruption is high and its minorities are repressed. And yet it retains some semblance of liberty and democracy that allows someone like Bernie Sanders to mount a socialist campaign. This does not exist in somewhere like Russia and China.

— Rabbil Sikdar, “Jeremy Corbyn And The Left Have Been Shameless On Syria

Jeremy Corbyn, the former Iranian state TV presenter, used to always call for “troops out” to end wars & occupations.

But when Russia is waging a genocidal war, he switches to calling for a settlement that keeps troops in. 🤔

Let’s talk about Jeremy Corbyn. 🧵…

January 22, 2023