From Liberpedia
- GrandTurion, Russia = Soviet Union 🧵 (thread) (pdf) (russia)
- GrandTurion, warmonger: “a person who encourages or advocates aggression towards other countries or groups.” Examples 🧵 (thread) (pdf) (warmonger)
- GrandTurion, Holocaust denial in Rothbard-Rockwell circles 🧵 (thread) (pdf)
- GrandTurion, Ryan Dawson 🧵 (thread) (pdf) (Ryan Dawson)
- GrandTurion, Some context for the Hoppe helicopter “jokes” and for anyone who still has any doubts left about Rockwell et al. being utter fascists: 🧵 (thread) (pdf) (Lew Rockwell Cesspool, Hans-Hermann Hoppe)