Rothbardian contrarianism

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Murray N. Rothbard and his followers commit this fallacy with their “a priori” (Murray N. Rothbard#The category error of an a priori foreign policy) foreign policy stance (present and future actions of government) and related historical revisionism (past actions of government): Rothbardian contrarianism.

  • “the central belief of both Professor Rothbard and those who followed him, was and is, that the governments in Washington D.C. and London are-always-wrong (and in economic policy there is something to be said for this view) - but then Professor Rothbard, and those who followed him in general history, jump to the conclusion that those who opposed ”Uncle Sam“ must-be-in-the-right” see: Murray N. Rothbard

Rothbardian contrarianism is a form of contrarianism and Kremlintarianism related to the negative anti-accounting fallacy. It consists in starting from the a priori position of the US government being always wrong, and then embracing historic revisionism and defending other regimes in order to fit that postulate.