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One reason US libertarianism is a uniquely US phenomenon is hardline isolationism.

If you ask a US libertarian about Syria or Ukraine they couldn't tell you about which party in the war is most inclined to defend liberties, they just say all sides are bad & bitch about taxes

There is no internationalism in libertarian circles, most US libertarians couldn't care at all about civil liberties overseas b/c those aren't *our* people
Did you know there are Libertarian Parties in Cuba & Russia? Probably not, because Libertarians here don't care either
Some Ukrainian's best bet against living under a dictatorship is purchased with US tax dollars?  Absolute travesty!  Don't you know there is corruption in Ukraine, therefore I shouldn't care if their nation is wiped off the face of the Earth, what about inflation?
For all the time Libertarians spent courting conservatives the most they achieved was getting the GOP to share their lack of concern about civil liberties for anyone except Americans ISOLATIONISM IS NOT AN OPTION
After a while the message becomes clear - US Libertarians do believe in liberty, but only for Americans, and sometimes not even that far, other people don't matter

Bruce McQuain
And then they wonder why no liberation struggle wants to embrace libertarian ideology!

If libertarianism is selfishness as principle, then why would anyone want to help someone who promises to not reciprocate?

Bruce McQuain
A real revolutionary libertarianism would absolutely be internationalist & seek to aid & assist those who would improve civil liberties abroad

In the 18th century, Thomas Jefferson famously said that the US should strive for "Peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none." Jefferson would probably be keenly disappointed that his advocacy for isolationism has, for the most part, been ignored by subsequent presidents. Still, Jefferson 's dictum has become the lynchpin of present day libertarian and Libertarian Party foreign policy.
There were a number of us US libertarians who went independently to Rojava to learn from and support the revolution there since there were small gov't principles at play there, but there was nothing organized, we were always outnumbered by Marxist & ancom foreign volunteers

There are serious defense and security concerns that arise from such a policy today. In Jefferson's day, America was protected by two very wide oceans. Mounting an effective and sustainable invasion of America was beyond the capabilities of the vast majority of nations. Self-defense was relatively easy and inexpensive for the US . In addition, America had and economically self-sufficient, agrarian economy. So, the Jeffersonian approach to foreign policy made some sense then. Today, however, it would be an extremely dangerous way to conduct foreign policy.
How much more could we learn from other anti-statists outside the US if our movement was more willing to do so?

Libertarians are often accused of being Jeffersonian isolationists who want the US to withdraw inside its borders, stay out of international relations, refuse entangling alliances, and adopt a policy of non-intervention in others' affairs. But various libertarians such as David Bergland, author of "Libertarianism in One Lesson", claim that in reality "libertarians oppose isolationism". He contends, "Some people mistakenly confuse neutrality and non-intervention with "isolationism."
American libertarianism is blind to the hard-won experience of freedom fighters with libertarian principles in Chiapas, Kurdistan, Burma, and elsewhere

Unfortunately, that claim isn't reflected in the Libertarian Party's platform foreign policy plank which describes it in terms of classic isolationism: "The United States government should return to the historic libertarian tradition of avoiding entangling alliances, abstaining totally from foreign quarrels and imperialist adventures, and recognizing the right to unrestricted trade and travel."
There is no guarantee that America will always be a bastion of liberty forever, and we should support refuges of liberty wherever they arise rather than assume a position of eternal "libertarianism in one country", to borrow a line from the Stalinists
[[Joshua Bailey]], [ August 30, 2022]

Why then do Neolibertarians eschew this stance on foreign policy? Because the world and America 's role in it has changed dramatically since the 18 th century. Isolationism may have made some sense in a time where wide oceans and limited technology gave a young America an almost insurmountable protective geographic barrier, and the country was both agrarian and self-sufficient. But those conditions no longer apply.
* [[Bryan Caplan]], "[ EconLog Book Club: For a New Liberty, Chapter 14]", "[ When it comes to his Cold War revisionism, though, Rothbard let his hatred of the U.S. government blind him to the relative benevolence of U.S. foreign policy and the absolute malevolence of the Soviet Union.]"

Sufficient argument, therefore, can be made on purely pragmatic grounds that isolationism-or its libertarian redefinition as "neutrality and non-intervention"-is an impractical and dangerous a policy today, and that its implicit assumptions rest upon a false premise.

The premise, as Bergland states it is that "the globe is covered with governments of sovereign nations each having authority over their own area". He further states that the United States , or any nation, has no right to interfere in the business of another sovereign nation. Per libertarian foreign policy, it's none of our business what another nation does, be it war with a neighbor, extermination of its own people, or any other action which we find unpleasant.

Such a policy premise holds the sovereignty of nations above the sovereignty and rights of individuals. It places all nations on the same moral plane, be they a democracy or a totalitarian regime. That premise seems to be inconsistent with libertarian philosophy.

In the libertarian view which Bergland represents, one country's expansion into another country by force of arms would be none of our concern. As a neutral, our only concerns would be peaceful trade and self-defense, with the latter only implemented when the aggressor was actually on our borders.
* [[Why I’m ashamed to be a libertarian]] (on [[Russian invasion of Ukraine/US Aid to Ukraine]] from a [[libertarian]] perspective)
Thankfully US policy makers eschewed this policy during the Cold War with Soviet Communism, and formed alliances by taking sides with our ideological friends against our ideological enemies. As a result, a threat to our sovereignty and freedom-as well as a threat to the rest of the world-was thwarted. Adopting a self-defeating policy of non-intervention would have allowed the Soviet Union a free hand to pursue its hegemony.
Ironically, Bergland characterizes the collapse of the USSR as one of the most important events in our lifetime before launching into a critique of the very interventionist foreign policy principles which led to the collapse. That sort of ideological blindness and unwillingness to rethink its principles has made libertarianism a less attractive alternative to the major parties.

Neolibertarians acknowledge the realities of the world today, not the 18 th century. Practical foreign policy in a neolibertarian world includes engagement with like-minded democracies through treaties and alliances. It also encourages peaceful and free trade among those nations. Neolibertarian foreign policy rejects the equal sovereignty premise of traditional libertarian foreign policy and differentiates between free countries and oppressed countries. It also holds as its highest standard the rights of free people, not the 'rights' of nations. Neolibertarians have no problem with condemnation of and, if necessary, intervention in those oppressed countries, if they pose a threat to our nation's security or citizens. Neolibertarian foreign policy also reserves for the US the right to preemptively act against any threat anywhere in the world in the name of national self-defense or critical self-interest.
* [[Neolibertarianism/Isolationism is Not an Option]]
A foreign policy that consists of hiding in the 18th century is both dangerous and impractical. Instead, the Neolibertarian policy is to engage the world proactively in order to maximize liberty and freedom in the 21st century.
* [[Why I’m ashamed to be a libertarian]] (on [[Russian invasion of Ukraine/US Aid to Ukraine]] from a [[libertarian]] perspective)

Revision as of 07:52, 30 March 2023

One reason US libertarianism is a uniquely US phenomenon is hardline isolationism.

If you ask a US libertarian about Syria or Ukraine they couldn't tell you about which party in the war is most inclined to defend liberties, they just say all sides are bad & bitch about taxes

There is no internationalism in libertarian circles, most US libertarians couldn't care at all about civil liberties overseas b/c those aren't *our* people

Did you know there are Libertarian Parties in Cuba & Russia? Probably not, because Libertarians here don't care either

Some Ukrainian's best bet against living under a dictatorship is purchased with US tax dollars? Absolute travesty! Don't you know there is corruption in Ukraine, therefore I shouldn't care if their nation is wiped off the face of the Earth, what about inflation?

For all the time Libertarians spent courting conservatives the most they achieved was getting the GOP to share their lack of concern about civil liberties for anyone except Americans

After a while the message becomes clear - US Libertarians do believe in liberty, but only for Americans, and sometimes not even that far, other people don't matter

And then they wonder why no liberation struggle wants to embrace libertarian ideology!

If libertarianism is selfishness as principle, then why would anyone want to help someone who promises to not reciprocate?

A real revolutionary libertarianism would absolutely be internationalist & seek to aid & assist those who would improve civil liberties abroad

There were a number of us US libertarians who went independently to Rojava to learn from and support the revolution there since there were small gov't principles at play there, but there was nothing organized, we were always outnumbered by Marxist & ancom foreign volunteers

How much more could we learn from other anti-statists outside the US if our movement was more willing to do so?

American libertarianism is blind to the hard-won experience of freedom fighters with libertarian principles in Chiapas, Kurdistan, Burma, and elsewhere

There is no guarantee that America will always be a bastion of liberty forever, and we should support refuges of liberty wherever they arise rather than assume a position of eternal "libertarianism in one country", to borrow a line from the Stalinists

Joshua Bailey, August 30, 2022