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The “Mises” Caucus is a caucus of the [[“Libertarian” Party]] which it took over in 2022. It is neither libertarian nor related to [[Ludwig von Mises]] in any way.
The “Mises” Caucus is a caucus of the [[“Libertarian” Party]] which it took over in May 2022 [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libertarian_National_Convention#2022]. It is neither libertarian nor related to [[Ludwig von Mises]] in any way.

== Platform changes ==
== Platform changes ==

Revision as of 18:58, 24 September 2022

The “Mises” Caucus is a caucus of the “Libertarian” Party which it took over in May 2022 [1]. It is neither libertarian nor related to Ludwig von Mises in any way.

Platform changes

Equality of the rights under law should not be denied or abridged by the United States, or any political subdivision thereof, on account of sex, race, color, creed, age, national origin, or sexual preference. We shall oppose any governmental attempts to regulate purely private discrimination. However, we condemn bigotry as irrational and unjust.
Libertarian Party National Platform, 1974

One of their first changes was the removal [2] of this plank from the party platform.

Statements and publications





https://twitter.com/LPNational/status/1532802344190197762 https://twitter.com/LPNational/status/1533139402616078337

State parties

Even before the LP national takeover, they took control of state parties.

The US Government backs and arms Al Qaeda in Syria/Yemen and Nazis in Ukraine.
Which “freedom fighters” will they be funding and arming with US taxpayer's dollars in Taiwan? #NoWarWithChina

May 24, 2022 Libertarian Party NH @LPNH

Foreign Libertarian parties are likely CIA operations.

Libertarian Party of Kentucky @lpky· May 24 https://twitter.com/lpky/status/1528955118607007745


Libertarian criticism

Here's my view of the libertarian to alt-right pipeline
First: It exists. Alt-right actors have quite literally hijacked the US Libertarian Party. A significant contingent of libertarians (or shall we say, former libertarians) have gone Trumpist.
Kyle Varner, MD @KBVMD

Suspicion of deliberate sabotage

The Mises PAC is a GOP "infiltrate and neuter" operation aimed at ensuring there aren't any libertarian alternatives to whatever authoritarians the Republican Party puts up for various offices. That's its goal. That's its purpose.
Thomas L. Knapp, “The Question Isn't What You Did, It's Will You Keep Doing It?

This is corroborated by:

  • Advisory Board Member Walter Block having explicitely, publicly and aggressively called for libertarians to vote for the Republican Party instead of the Libertarian Party: “Pardon me while I beat my head against the wall. How could libertarians in purple states be so stupid?” -- Walter Block, “Libertarians Spoil the Election”, WSJ, November 8, 2020

Other criticisms

Advisory Board and “Heroes”

Advisory Board


The Libertarian Party is now a home for @RonPaul supporters. We welcome you with open arms. We represent the tradition of Mises and Rothbard and are eternally grateful to @lewrockwell @jeffdeist and everyone at @mises for keeping their legacy alive. We do not throw our heroes under the bus to gain acceptance from the regime. We regard the regime as criminal.
  • Walter Block, founder of Libertarians for Trump, considers stupid voting for the Libertarian Party: “Pardon me while I beat my head against the wall. How could libertarians in purple states be so stupid?” [9] [10]
The same, however, cannot be said for their leadership. The amount of grift, ideological rot, nastiness and outright prejudice which I have seen in the higher ranks of the Mises Caucus simply cannot be ignored. I do not believe that these people have the best interests of the liberty movement at heart. To be blunt, I don’t think they care one iota about creating a world set free in our lifetime. To the contrary, their actions have established that they would burn the national and state parties to the ground if only to have dominion over the ashes and the opportunity to monetize every smoking ember. And I suspect they will soon get their wish.
Most distressingly, I question the extent to which the Mises Caucus and its leadership is actually committed to the Libertarian Party and its affiliates. The fact that leaders have consistently suggested an openness to not running candidates against Republican opponents, running farcical candidates (see New Hampshire), and taking steps which intentionally alienate older members and generous donors, leads me to honestly suspect that the end of the Libertarian Party as we know it is not just a danger of their stewardship, but a goal.


Reactions from other caucuses

See also