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[[Wikipedia: Muscovy]] aka [[russia]] aka [[Nihilistan]].
[[Wikipedia: Muscovy]] aka [[russia]] aka [[Nihilistan]].
How Muscovy stole the name Russia
I think everyone knows that Russia used to be called Muscovy (citizenship is Moscal or Muscovite), and they stole their name from the previous name of Ukraine - Rus.
The Russians have a whole ideology of Nazism and occupation based on the fact that they are descended from Kiyvan Rus, they are Slavs, they call the Slavs the highest race in the world, and they say everywhere that all Slavs should be one big state again. This propaganda has been working for a long time, and all russians dream of occupying all the Slavic states, first of all. And then the whole world. Therefore, it is especially pleasant to rub their noses in the fact that they are neither Slavs nor Kyivan Rus :)
"Moscow history is sewn to the history of Rus with white threads" (Karl Marx)
Ivan III was the first to try to appoint himself the heir of Kyivan Rus. In 1460-1470, when sending letters to Rome, Ivan III signed himself as the prince of White Russia.
Later, his son Vasily III, who ruled in 1505-1533, in order to streamline his occupation aspirations, namely looking for a reason to occupy Ukraine, began to raise the issue of the reunification of Rus with the Horde. This fact was especially amusingly perceived by his fellow tribesmen, who watched as Tsar Vasil III walked around the royal chambers, wearing a turban and with a scimitar on the side of his Astrakhan robe!
The official document on the renaming of Muscovy appeared only in 1721. To emphasize its closeness to the European nations, Muscovy adopted the Greek transcription of the word Rus — Russia for its new name.
When, at the end of the 18th century, Russia occupied the entire territory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and a large part of Poland, Catherine II faced the task of finding a legal justification for the occupation. The ideal way out, invented by her, was the falsification of history to justify Russia's legal claims to foreign lands.
Falsification was engaged in at once on several fronts:
- There were falsified documents that united the Russian and Moscow peoples, as related Slavic peoples!
- The story of the struggle of national liberation Ukrainian, Belarusian and Polish movements, which always dreamed of becoming slaves of the Moscow Horde, was invented
- The greats started a myth about the leadership of Russia as a Slavic country, about the primacy of its cultural traditions, and because all other Slavs adopted and changed its cultural traditions.
So that forgeries would not have problems with authenticity, all real historical documents were removed and destroyed.
In order to implement the grand plan of falsification, Catherine II wrote a decree dated December 4, 1783, on the creation of a Commission for compiling notes on ancient history, mainly of Russia, headed by Count Andrei Petrovich Shuvalov. In the decree, it was ordered in black and white: Compile such a history of Russia, where the pedigree of the Romanov dynasty was derived not from the Tatars of the Horde, but from the princes of Kiyvan Rus! Create a carousel.
For this purpose, unknown annals of Muscovy were written for the village, which no one had seen until 1783. The ancient annals of Kiyvan Rus - Ukraine and Lithuania were rewritten, updated, and their original versions were destroyed.
In 1790, Moscow Tatars began to be officially called Slavs!
Since it was then, on behalf of the empress, Oleksandr Vasiliovych Hrapovytskyi, her former secretary in 1782-1793, as well as a member of the commission for organizing history, wrote a beautiful fairy tale about the fact that Muscovites are Slavs.
The forgery was so gross that Mykola Mykhailovych Karamzin, who was commissioned to write the 12-volume History of the Russian State on the basis of falsified chronicles, did not even hide that if he had not added his contribution to the historical annals handed over to him, namely, as he put it, a dose of lies, then it would be impossible to read nonsense about the fact that the history of Muscovy originates from Kyiv and Novgorod without laughing.
As for the thesis about the common origin of the Ukrainian and Russian peoples, it does not correspond to reality at all, and is more a figment of the imaginations of imperial and then Soviet historians. The researches of Oleksiy Shakhmatov, an academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, have been preserved to this day, in which it is stated that the Little Russian (Ukrainian) tribes of Polyans, Drevlians, Volhynians, Buzhans, Tiverts, Dulibs, and Ulichs inhabited the territory from the shores of Pripyat to the Black Sea, from the Dnipro and to the Carpathians. These Slavic tribes had no kinship with the Merya, Muroma, Vesya, Meshchera, Perm, Pechera, Moksha, Mordva, Mari tribes, who lived in the X-XIII centuries in the land of Moksel, and later in Muscovy, the eternal land of the Great Russians. It stretched from Tula, Ryazan and Penza to the White Sea. Those were tribes of a different origin, not Slavic, but Finnish. By the way, Muscovy as a principality and the "table city" itself first appeared in 1277 from the "supreme command" of the Tatar-Mongol Sovereign and was an ordinary ulus of the Golden Horde.

Latest revision as of 10:00, 7 June 2023

Wikipedia: Muscovy aka russia aka Nihilistan.

How Muscovy stole the name Russia

I think everyone knows that Russia used to be called Muscovy (citizenship is Moscal or Muscovite), and they stole their name from the previous name of Ukraine - Rus.

The Russians have a whole ideology of Nazism and occupation based on the fact that they are descended from Kiyvan Rus, they are Slavs, they call the Slavs the highest race in the world, and they say everywhere that all Slavs should be one big state again. This propaganda has been working for a long time, and all russians dream of occupying all the Slavic states, first of all. And then the whole world. Therefore, it is especially pleasant to rub their noses in the fact that they are neither Slavs nor Kyivan Rus :)

"Moscow history is sewn to the history of Rus with white threads" (Karl Marx)

Ivan III was the first to try to appoint himself the heir of Kyivan Rus. In 1460-1470, when sending letters to Rome, Ivan III signed himself as the prince of White Russia.

Later, his son Vasily III, who ruled in 1505-1533, in order to streamline his occupation aspirations, namely looking for a reason to occupy Ukraine, began to raise the issue of the reunification of Rus with the Horde. This fact was especially amusingly perceived by his fellow tribesmen, who watched as Tsar Vasil III walked around the royal chambers, wearing a turban and with a scimitar on the side of his Astrakhan robe!

The official document on the renaming of Muscovy appeared only in 1721. To emphasize its closeness to the European nations, Muscovy adopted the Greek transcription of the word Rus — Russia for its new name.

When, at the end of the 18th century, Russia occupied the entire territory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and a large part of Poland, Catherine II faced the task of finding a legal justification for the occupation. The ideal way out, invented by her, was the falsification of history to justify Russia's legal claims to foreign lands.

Falsification was engaged in at once on several fronts: - There were falsified documents that united the Russian and Moscow peoples, as related Slavic peoples! - The story of the struggle of national liberation Ukrainian, Belarusian and Polish movements, which always dreamed of becoming slaves of the Moscow Horde, was invented - The greats started a myth about the leadership of Russia as a Slavic country, about the primacy of its cultural traditions, and because all other Slavs adopted and changed its cultural traditions.

So that forgeries would not have problems with authenticity, all real historical documents were removed and destroyed.

In order to implement the grand plan of falsification, Catherine II wrote a decree dated December 4, 1783, on the creation of a Commission for compiling notes on ancient history, mainly of Russia, headed by Count Andrei Petrovich Shuvalov. In the decree, it was ordered in black and white: Compile such a history of Russia, where the pedigree of the Romanov dynasty was derived not from the Tatars of the Horde, but from the princes of Kiyvan Rus! Create a carousel.

For this purpose, unknown annals of Muscovy were written for the village, which no one had seen until 1783. The ancient annals of Kiyvan Rus - Ukraine and Lithuania were rewritten, updated, and their original versions were destroyed.

In 1790, Moscow Tatars began to be officially called Slavs!

Since it was then, on behalf of the empress, Oleksandr Vasiliovych Hrapovytskyi, her former secretary in 1782-1793, as well as a member of the commission for organizing history, wrote a beautiful fairy tale about the fact that Muscovites are Slavs.

The forgery was so gross that Mykola Mykhailovych Karamzin, who was commissioned to write the 12-volume History of the Russian State on the basis of falsified chronicles, did not even hide that if he had not added his contribution to the historical annals handed over to him, namely, as he put it, a dose of lies, then it would be impossible to read nonsense about the fact that the history of Muscovy originates from Kyiv and Novgorod without laughing.

As for the thesis about the common origin of the Ukrainian and Russian peoples, it does not correspond to reality at all, and is more a figment of the imaginations of imperial and then Soviet historians. The researches of Oleksiy Shakhmatov, an academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, have been preserved to this day, in which it is stated that the Little Russian (Ukrainian) tribes of Polyans, Drevlians, Volhynians, Buzhans, Tiverts, Dulibs, and Ulichs inhabited the territory from the shores of Pripyat to the Black Sea, from the Dnipro and to the Carpathians. These Slavic tribes had no kinship with the Merya, Muroma, Vesya, Meshchera, Perm, Pechera, Moksha, Mordva, Mari tribes, who lived in the X-XIII centuries in the land of Moksel, and later in Muscovy, the eternal land of the Great Russians. It stretched from Tula, Ryazan and Penza to the White Sea. Those were tribes of a different origin, not Slavic, but Finnish. By the way, Muscovy as a principality and the "table city" itself first appeared in 1277 from the "supreme command" of the Tatar-Mongol Sovereign and was an ordinary ulus of the Golden Horde.