BDS: Difference between revisions

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* [[Wikipedia: Omar Barghouti]]
* [[Wikipedia: Omar Barghouti]]
* [ Do you think the Syrian Arab Republic and the Islamic Republic of Iran should be BDSed as well or only the State of Israel? And if not, based on what criteria? It's a simple question really.]

Revision as of 12:02, 25 March 2023

Tufts BDS Pledge, a petition by the Students for Justice in Palestine chapter at Tufts, calls for a “student-led boycott” of Jewish and pro-Israel organizations on campus, Israeli products, and Israel study abroad programs. This bigoted campaign based on false, inflammatory claims singling out Jews and the Jewish state is not just a stain on the university if no penalty is enacted but it violates Tufts Non-Discrimination policy. That policy prohibits “discrimination against and harassment of any student, employee, applicant for employment, third party, patient, visitor or community member because of race, color, national or ethnic origin, ancestry, age, religion, disability, sex or gender.”

SJP’s campaign is the latest in a dark history of sordid anti-Jewish boycotts. Given the violation of Tufts own policies and the reprehensible incitement against the Jewish community, we call upon President Anthony Monaco and the Tufts Community Union Judiciary to revoke Tufts SJP’s status as a registered student organization.

— Aviva Rosenschein, International Campus Director, CAMERA on Campus, Statement Regarding “Tufts BDS Pledge”