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Stingy Americans Need to Send More of Their Hard-Earned Money to Ukranian Oligarchs
Thomas DiLorenzo
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Says the pope, who wants us to skimp on Christmas so that we can flush the “excess” down the Ukranian toilet.  Much or all of any such donations are likely to be used to support the Ukranian army and help it to kill Russians.  Is that the pope’s Christmas message?
Expert on Ukrainian Politics Speaks
November 26, 2004
Tom DiLorenzo, a former economist, has issued a fatwa on the Lew Rockwell blog: Viktor Yushchenko is a lying CIA tool, as are millions of other Ukrainians. DiLorenzo has applied to the Ukrainian political crisis the same attention to getting all the facts right that he applied to his book about Abraham Lincoln.
Thanks to DiLorenzo, we can all now refer to Viktor Yushchenko as “their (losing) candidate, a neocon/CIA stooge.” Ever the logician, DiLorenzo assumes that if Yushchenko wants to move out from under Russian domination, accelerate privatization, and get under the NATO umbrella, he must be a “neocon/CIA stooge.” (Of course, there’s that matter of his pledge to withdraw Ukrainian troops from Iraq, but that just shows what a very clever double-secret double agent he really is.)
P.S. For an interesting review of DiLorenzo’s The Real Lincoln : A New Look at Abraham Lincoln, His Agenda, and an Unnecessary War, Charles Adams’ When in the Course of Human Events: Arguing the Case for Southern Secession, and Jeffrey Rogers Hummel’s Emancipating Slaves, Enslaving Free Men: A History of the American Civil War by a historian, see Daniel Feller, “Libertarians in the Attic, OR a Tale of Two Narratives,” in Reviews in American History, 32 (June 2004), pp. 184-95. (By the time he’s done, little of DiLorenzo’s work is left standing; Hummel, in contrast, gets the appreciation of one serious historian for another, despite the general disagreement that Hummel and Feller would probably have over substantive political goals.) Or see the review by Richard M. Gamble, who is much more sympathetic to DiLorenzo’s professed political philosophy, but who feels forced to conclude that the book is “a travesty of historical method and documentation” (Richard M. Gamble review of The Real Lincoln in The Independent Review, Vol. 7, No. 4, Spring 2003).

[[Category: Kremlintarianism]]
[[Category: Kremlintarianism]]

Revision as of 18:30, 18 December 2022

Stingy Americans Need to Send More of Their Hard-Earned Money to Ukranian Oligarchs Thomas DiLorenzo donate FacebookTwitterShare Says the pope, who wants us to skimp on Christmas so that we can flush the “excess” down the Ukranian toilet. Much or all of any such donations are likely to be used to support the Ukranian army and help it to kill Russians. Is that the pope’s Christmas message? Expert on Ukrainian Politics Speaks November 26, 2004

Tom DiLorenzo, a former economist, has issued a fatwa on the Lew Rockwell blog: Viktor Yushchenko is a lying CIA tool, as are millions of other Ukrainians. DiLorenzo has applied to the Ukrainian political crisis the same attention to getting all the facts right that he applied to his book about Abraham Lincoln.

Thanks to DiLorenzo, we can all now refer to Viktor Yushchenko as “their (losing) candidate, a neocon/CIA stooge.” Ever the logician, DiLorenzo assumes that if Yushchenko wants to move out from under Russian domination, accelerate privatization, and get under the NATO umbrella, he must be a “neocon/CIA stooge.” (Of course, there’s that matter of his pledge to withdraw Ukrainian troops from Iraq, but that just shows what a very clever double-secret double agent he really is.)

P.S. For an interesting review of DiLorenzo’s The Real Lincoln : A New Look at Abraham Lincoln, His Agenda, and an Unnecessary War, Charles Adams’ When in the Course of Human Events: Arguing the Case for Southern Secession, and Jeffrey Rogers Hummel’s Emancipating Slaves, Enslaving Free Men: A History of the American Civil War by a historian, see Daniel Feller, “Libertarians in the Attic, OR a Tale of Two Narratives,” in Reviews in American History, 32 (June 2004), pp. 184-95. (By the time he’s done, little of DiLorenzo’s work is left standing; Hummel, in contrast, gets the appreciation of one serious historian for another, despite the general disagreement that Hummel and Feller would probably have over substantive political goals.) Or see the review by Richard M. Gamble, who is much more sympathetic to DiLorenzo’s professed political philosophy, but who feels forced to conclude that the book is “a travesty of historical method and documentation” (Richard M. Gamble review of The Real Lincoln in The Independent Review, Vol. 7, No. 4, Spring 2003).