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* [[Sergej Sumlenny]], “[ Wow, I have not seen this anti-Ukrainian video by Navalny before.]” ([ thread]) ([ pdf]) November 2, 2022

* [[Kamil Galeev]], [ What you should know about Alexei Navalny?]” ([ thread]) ([ PDF]), January 5, 2023
russian self-described “certified nationalist”, aspiring to be tsar of [[russia]] instead of the current tsar, [[Vladimir Putin]].

* [[Kamil Galeev]], “[ Great question. Let's open the original video.]” ([ thread]) ([ PDF]), January 6, 2023
He has been denouncing Putin’s corruption and is currently a political prisoner.

* [[Kamil Galeev]], “[ This is correct. When forming your opinion about @navalny movement, consume as much of their *external* propaganda specifically directed at foreign audience (=you) as you can. Do not look at their *internal* propaganda though. It was not meant for you!]” ([ thread]) ([ PDF]), January 18, 2023
== Threads by [[Alexei Navalny]] ==

* [[Kamil Galeev]], “[ Moscow liberal’s logic]” ([ thread]) ([ PDF]), January 18, 2023 ([[Chechnya]])
* [[Alexei Navalny]], “[ Truth and free information hit Putin’s insane regime just as hard as Javelins. This is a thread about opening the second front against the war criminal from the Kremlin —the informational front.]”, April 14, 2022 ([ thread]) ([ pdf])

* [ Alexei Navalny Has a Crimea Problem]
* [ I want to say a few words about Mikheil Saakashvili.]

=== Apologies ===
* [ To my even greater shame, I wrote a post with an insulting slur about Georgians back in 2008 under the influence of the fact that a friend of mine was being shelled in Tskhinvali. I apologized for that and I apologize again now]
== russian marches ==
=== Speaker at the 2011 russian march ===
<gallery widths=200px heights=300px>
File:Navalny.jpeg| [[russian imperial flag]]
* BBC, [ Moscow nationalist rally hears attack on Putin party], 4 November 2011
== comments about immigrants and nationalism ==
<gallery widths=200px heights=300px>
File:Navalny-nationalist.jpg| “certified nationalist”
File:Navalny-official-bezpredelius.jpg|“bezpredelius” [ беспредельный]
* “[ Стань националистом!]” [ “Become a nationalist!”" ], October 17, 2007, official YouTube channel of [[Alexei Navalny]] ([ video with English subtitles])
* “[ НАРОД за легализацию оружия]”, [ “NAROD for the legalization of weapons” ], September 19, 2007, official YouTube channel of [[Alexei Navalny]] ([ video with English subtitles])
* “[ Navalny’s Failure To Renounce His Nationalist Past May Be Straining His Support]”, February 25, 2021
* [[Wikipedia: National Russian Liberation Movement]]
* [[Wikipedia: Russian March]]
== against sending weapons to Ukraine ==
* “[ Don’t send weapons to Ukraine, top Russian Kremlin critic says]”, March 17, 2015 ([ archive])
* [[Alexei Navalny]], “[ One shot from Javelin costs $230,000. For the same money we would get 200 million ad views in different formats and provide at least 300,000 link clicks or at least 8 million views on a video with the truth about what is happening in Ukraine.]”, April 14, 2022
== Crimea ==
* “[ Alexei Navalny Has a Crimea Problem]”, October 4, 2022
* “[ As a way out of the crisis, Navalny suggested that Kiev should grant Crimea greater autonomy while remaining part of Ukraine, guarantee the right to speak Russian in Ukraine, keep Ukraine out of NATO, and let the Russian Black Sea fleet remain in the peninsula free of charge.]”, March 12, 2014
* [ You can’t turn the stuffing back: what Navalny said about the occupied Crimea]": “Crimea will remain part of Russia and will never become part of Ukraine again in the foreseeable future”
== tsar aspirations ==
Yes, I want Putin to go. No, I am absolutely against [[Alexei Navalny]] taking his place. Actually I’m against anyone taking Putin’s place. Changing “bad” Tsar for a “good” Tsar is not a solution.
[[Kamil Galeev]] []
== More ==
* [[Sergej Sumlenny]], “[ Wow, I have not seen this anti-Ukrainian video by Navalny before.]” ([ thread]) ([ pdf]) November 2, 2022 []
* [[Sergej Sumlenny]], “[ Navalny‘s top employee criticizes Russian missile strike on Ukraine because… it is ineffective and costly. Not because it has killed civilians and is a part of a genocidal war. This is the core of Navalny’s logic: his is in favor of imperial wars as long as they are „effective“.]”, April 18, 2022 ([ thread]) ([ pdf])
* [[Kamil Galeev]], “[ What you should know about Alexei Navalny?]” ([ thread]) ([ pdf]), January 5, 2023
* [[Kamil Galeev]], “[ Great question. Let’s open the original video.]” ([ thread]) ([ pdf]), January 6, 2023
* [[Kamil Galeev]], “[ This is correct. When forming your opinion about @navalny movement, consume as much of their *external* propaganda specifically directed at foreign audience (=you) as you can. Do not look at their *internal* propaganda though. It was not meant for you!]” ([ thread]) ([ pdf]), January 18, 2023
* [[Kamil Galeev]], “[ Moscow liberal’s logic]” ([ thread]) ([ pdf]), January 18, 2023 ([[Chechnya]])
* [[Kamil Galeev]], “[ Not quite. Mau put his signature under a letter in support of this war. Maybe hesitantly, but he still did it. Regarding Alexei Navalny, I am honestly impressed by how much effort international media invest into whitewashing him and his clique]”, January 18, 2023 ([ thread]) ([ PDF]) ([[russian invasion of Ukraine]])
* [[Kamil Galeev]], “[ The biggest myth about Navalny’s sucession is: Navalny’s succession -> the war stops]”, January 22, 2023 ([ thread]) ([ pdf]) ([[russian invasion of Ukraine]], [[Alexei Navalny]])
* [[Madi Kapparov]], “[ navalny is a “liberal opposition” figure only by russian standards at best. chubais and kiriyenko, some of the men responsible for putin’s rise, were too once considered progressive liberals.]”, September 9, 2022 ([ thread]) ([ pdf])
* [[Oleksandra Povoroznyk]], “[ Remember how Ukrainians would get weird looks when we’d argue that Navalny isn’t really a friend of our cause, even though he’s against Putin’s regime? Well, here Navalny’s chief of staff goes after the brilliant Kamil Galeev for pointing out that Russia is colonialist…]” ([ thread])
* “[ A 🧵thread on #Navalny so that hopefully it is clearer to Westerners why Ukrainians are sceptical of him]”, April 17, 2022 ([ thread]) ([ pdf])
* [[Madi Kapparov]], “[ on Русские (ethnic russians) are embraced by the group. The group takes part in the russian Marches, ultra-right rallies (NB: navalny attended these rallies). The group also joins rallies held by the principal party of the country, United russia.]”
* [[Erica Marat]], “[ Waiting for Navalny, Kara-Murza, and Khodorkovsky to acknowledge that Russia’s chief problem is genocidal imperialism, not corruption]”
* [[Miquel Ramos]], “[ Por cierto, uno de los convocantes y participantes habituales en las marchas de la extrema derecha rusa era el famoso líder opositor Alexei Navalny. Aquí en la foto de la izquierda, en la conocida como Marcha Imperial, donde se reunían nazis y fascistas]”, November 23, 2022
* [[Stas Olenchenko]], “[ The only force that is actually doing all the fighting against Putin’s regime is Ukraine’s armed forces. That is the uncomfortable truth that Free Navalny tries to cover up. That is why they exploit the anti-war rhetoric for their own benefit. That is why we’re not allies.]”, January 23, 2023
* [[Marichka Buchelnikova]], “[ The uncomfortable truth for Navalny’s fans: 1. His team doesn’t care about Ukraine’s fight. They treat it as their primary fundraising competitor. 2. The best way to free Navalny is to donate to Ukraine’s military resistance – not to a team of YouTubers and politicians in exile.]”, January 23, 2023
* [[Albert Pokaninow]] “[ Navalny is a plan B for Russian KGB. They need him to replace Putin if something goes wrong. Russian liberals is doing job that Kremlin can’t do - promoting Navalny on the West. Free Navalny has a lot of money, money of Russian oligarchs. But w/ western money it will be cheaper]”, January 24, 2023
* “[ when ruzzia will be denazified?]”
* “[ when the western democracies will stop pretending as if navalny is somehow different from putin or any other russian nazi? please stop using free navalny hashtag if you claim that you’re supporting Ukraine.]”
* [[Azamat Junisbai]], “[ Image of Navalny promoted in the West omits inconvenient facts. The record must be set straight. It is true that Navalny is imprisoned on politically motivated charges. His opposition to Putin and his bravery are real. Unfortunately, this is not the whole story.]”
* [[Kuba Litwińczuk]], “[ One Russian imperialist imprisoned another Russian imperialist due to their power struggle. That’s like 90% of the story.]”
* [[Ukraine Explainers]], “[ Navalny’s team has launched a huge Free Navalny campaign with Anne Applebaum among its advisers and aspirations to win the Oscar for the Navalny movie. Good for them. Ukrainians and many other nations colonized by Russia are increasingly critical of the campaign. Here’s why:]”, January 23, 2023 ([ thread]) ([ pdf])
* [[Ostap Yarysh]], “[ Many in the West praise Russian opposition leader #Navalny and the Oscar-nominated documentary about him. But there’s something else to remember: Being anti-Putin doesn’t negate Navalny’s imperialist and chauvinist views. Let’s take a look at specific examples in this thread 🧵]”, January 27, 2023 ([ thread]) ([ pdf]) “Is Navalny anti-Putin? Yes. Was he wrongfully imprisoned by Kremlin for this? Absolutely. Is he anti-war? He says so. But does he reject the colonial approach and the idea of Russian superiority/dominance over other nations? Definitely not. And this is something to keep in mind.”
* [ Recently, I have seen a lot of propaganda about “good” Navalny. They are losing and are preparing a new imperialistic Tsar Navalny to save empire. Why is it dangerous? In perspective, Navalny will become a disaster on the scale of Hitler with russian supremacy ideology.]
* [ Навальный честно о Зеленском], May 27, 2009
* Oksii, [ Recently, I have seen a lot of propaganda about “good” Navalny. They are losing and are preparing a new imperialistic Tsar Navalny to save empire. Why is it dangerous? In perspective, Navalny will become a disaster on the scale of Hitler with russian suprimacy ideology.] ([ thread]) ([ pdf])
[* Navalny‘s top employee criticizes Russian missile strike on Ukraine because… it is ineffective and costly. Not because it has killed civilians and is a part of a genocidal war. This is the core of Navalny’s logic: his is in favor of imperial wars as long as they are “effective”.]
* [ Muslim employee sues Amnesty over sacking after Alexei Navalny objections]
* [ I’ll explain Georgia’s attitude to Alexey Navalny in this thread. 🧵]
* [ Just going to leave this here.]
* [ Grateful for what exactly? For producing legions of clowns whining about “russophobia” and sanctions? Navalny is not useful for Ukraine. At all. He wants to solve corruption in Russia and deport migrants. We want Russia to rot in corruption so it can’t afford to attack neighbors.]
* [[Sergej Sumlenny]], “[ Navalny calls his supporters to actively participate in “elections in 40 regions of Russia” this September. Needless to say, ‘elections’ will take place in 36 regions, other four are Ukrainian regions Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson, and Zaporizhzhya. But this is not all.]”, August 21, 2023
* [ Let’s not forget that even before the 🇷🇺 annexation of Crimea Navalny wrote that ‘it’s unfair that 🇺🇦 got Crimea’, and in 2014, after the annexation, condescendingly advised 🇺🇦s to ‘forget about Crimea and focus on building a proper state’]
== Anti-corruption ==
* [ As a Central Asian, I have always been struck by the way in which @Navalny and his colleagues focus on corruption as the most pressing problem in 🇷🇺. When their country wages a brazenly imperialist war against 🇺🇦, the unwavering focus on yachts and mansions seems oddly myopic. 🧵]
== Team ==
== . == Alexei Navalny: This is what a post-Putin Russia should look like Алексей Навальный: Вот как должна выглядеть постпутинская Россия.
== See also ==
* [[Deimperialization of russia]]

[[ru: Алексей Навальный]]
[[ru: Алексей Навальный]]
[[es: Alekséi Navalni]]
[[fr: Alexeï Navalny]]

Latest revision as of 11:45, 21 February 2024


russian self-described “certified nationalist”, aspiring to be tsar of russia instead of the current tsar, Vladimir Putin.

He has been denouncing Putin’s corruption and is currently a political prisoner.

Threads by Alexei Navalny


russian marches

Speaker at the 2011 russian march

comments about immigrants and nationalism

against sending weapons to Ukraine


tsar aspirations

Yes, I want Putin to go. No, I am absolutely against Alexei Navalny taking his place. Actually I’m against anyone taking Putin’s place. Changing “bad” Tsar for a “good” Tsar is not a solution.

Kamil Galeev [1]


[* Navalny‘s top employee criticizes Russian missile strike on Ukraine because… it is ineffective and costly. Not because it has killed civilians and is a part of a genocidal war. This is the core of Navalny’s logic: his is in favor of imperial wars as long as they are “effective”.]




. Alexei Navalny: This is what a post-Putin Russia should look like Алексей Навальный: Вот как должна выглядеть постпутинская Россия.

See also