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* [ Quand des ONG palestiniennes ont renoncé à 14.3 million € de la Commission 🇪🇺 plutôt que de signer une clause anti-terroriste banale - appliquée globalement tous les contrats de l'UE - qui ne les affectait pas🧵]
* [[PLO]]
* Palestinian leader supports China’s Uyghur policies in joint statement
* [ In 1944, at the behest of Husseini, Hitler ordered a five-man team to dump a lethal toxin in the water supply of Tel Aviv. Luckily, the unit, which comprised three Germans and two Arabs, was caught by police in Jericho before they had chance to execute their plan. It is estimated]
* [ Hitler's war against Jews continues in 'Palestine']
== Children ==
== Terrorism ==
== LGBT ==
== Kuwait ==
== Lebanon ==
== Wealth ==
== genocide ? ==
Ok - here's the "biggie" on how the #Brits created a monster in al-Husseini with effects that still reverberate today.
From April 4-7, 1920, during Passover and the annual Nabi Musa procession in #Jerusalem (#Muslim festival to what Muslims consider the “tomb of Moses” in the #Judean desert, 7 miles south of Jericho), a 23-year-old Hajj Amin Al-Husseini (whose family had been made custodians of the tomb by the Ottomans) incited the first major riot against #Jews in Eretz #Israel in the 20th century.
The #British occupying forces (this was just weeks shy of the Mandate implementation) withdrew and forced Jewish police officers to also withdraw from the Old City.
The result? No one there to stop the incited #Arab mob from attacking Jews and looting their shops.
It was later learned that British Colonel Waters Talor (financial advisor to Military Administration in Palestine) met with al-Husseini in the days leading up to the riot and told him to use the festival to show the world that #Zionism was unpopular not only with the British Palestinian Administration, but with the Arabs as well.
Colonel Talor told Al-Husseini that if there was sufficient violence (especially on Easter), the British Generals, Gols and Allenby, would advocate the abandonment of a Jewish state. He further told al-Husseini that “freedom” could only be “obtained through violence.”
Meanwhile, on their way back from the pilgrimage, al-Husseini whipped up the crowd into an anti-Jewish frenzy, and they marched through Jerusalem’s Jewish Quarter chanting, “slaughter the Jews” and “the government is with us.”
By 10:30 am on April 4, 1920, 60,000-70,000 Arabs were congregated in the Old City, and al-Husseini’s followers had already been attacking Jews for more than an hour.
This was not enough for Al-Husseini. So, he gave a speech to the gathered 60,000-70,000 Arab Muslims and said, “if we don’t use force against the #Zionists and against the Jews, we will never be rid of them.”
The crowd shouted back at him, “independence!” and “the Jews are our dogs.”
Arab police officers (who were not forced to withdraw by the British) joined in applause; and the mob knew it had free reign to terrorize Jerusalem’s Jews.
The Jewish Quarter was ransacked. Torath Chaim Yeshiva was raided. Torah scrolls were torn and thrown on the floor, and the building was set on fire.
Over the next three hours alone, at least 160 Jews suffered minor to severe injuries.
The longer the riot went on without anyone there to stop it, the more bloodthirsty the crowd became. In fact, the festivalgoers began chanting, “we will drink Jewish blood.”
Suddenly, not only were Arab Muslims rioting, but Arab Christians joined in as well and carried signs that said, “Will we betray our land for the murderers of Jesus?”
There were decent Arabs in Jerusalem that day also. Khalil al-Sakakini – a Palestinian orthodox Christian teacher, scholar, poet, and Arab nationalist – wrote about seeing Jews covered in dust and blood when he noticed an Arab with a sack filled with loot approach a young Jewish shoe shiner. He took the boy’s shoeshine box and started beating him in the head with it. The Jewish child, covered in blood, began screaming and ran away. The Arab attacker then simply rejoined the procession as they chanted, “Muhammad’s religion was born with the sword.” Al-Sakakini wrote that this episode made him “nauseated and depressed by the madness of humankind.”
Eventually, the British troops imposed a curfew and arrested several dozen rioters. But, the following morning, they permitted those same rioters – including the ones they had arrested – to attend morning prayers; and the attacks against the Jews continued.
Jewish homes were broken into, especially in buildings that were Jewish-Arab mixed. Then, the attacks got more brazen.
Arab rioters set Jewish homes on fire and smashed Jewish tombstones. The violence increased.
The emboldened, crazed rioters began raping and murdering Jews.
So, what did the British do? They evacuated the Old City. And what do you think happened the next day? More riots.
On the morning of April 6, the Arab rioters attacked Jews near Hannah Yaffa and the Temple Mount. There, three Jewish families had been holed up in their homes since the riots began. Eventually, the rioters broke down the doors and beat the families – including the children – with iron bars. Two young women (aged 25 and 15) were raped.
The Nebi Musa Riots led to Jews arming themselves and learning to defend themselves in their land. But, up to this point, the Jews had no training and no weapons. Jabotinsky had a small group of Jews trained in self-defense ready to go in and try to defend their brothers and sisters. But, the British troops refused them entry.
Five Jews were murdered, at least 216 Jews were injured (18 of them were left in critical condition), and due to underreporting, it is unknown how many rapes were committed.
Eventually, after strong outcry from Jewish leaders, the British authorities named al-Husseini the principal instigator of the riots. But naming him the instigator of the riots against Jerusalem’s Jews only caused al-Husseini to rise in popularity among the Arab population. Suddenly, he was seen as the leader of Mandate Palestine’s Arabs, and the British crowned him “Grand Mufti” only months later.
The British Palin Commission of Inquiry into the riots also wrote, “all evidence shows that these attacks were of a cowardly and treacherous nature. Most were against the elderly, women and children – the majority were wounded in the back of the neck.” Even more damning, the Inquiry heard eyewitness testimony that British administration officials had sided with the Arabs and helped incite the anti-Jewish riots.
Now, this next part is VERY important because MANY OPPORTUNITIES for #peaceful #coexistence were missed/lost along the way.
Many Arabs were disgusted by the riots. In fact, sheikhs from 82 villages around Jaffa and Jerusalem (who claimed to represent 70% of the population) drafted a document expressly condemning the anti-Jewish riots and proclaiming that Zionists were “not a danger” to Arab communities.
In fact, similar express declarations were sent to London in 1922 where hundreds of Palestinian Arab sheikhs and muhktars put their names to letters supporting Jewish immigration in an effort to improve industrial development of the land, and therefore the lives of their fellow Arabs.
Part II on the Brits creating the al-Husseini monster, or rather, mobster.
In addition to naming him “Grand Mufti,” the British colonial government also appointed al-Husseini head of the Supreme Muslim Council (an organization that previously did not exist) and provided him with extensive resources.
Unfortunately, al-Husseini kick-started the kleptocratic and autocratic traditions of Palestinian Arab rulers.
Just as Mahmoud Abbas is currently in the 18th year of his four-year term, al-Husseini’s term as head of the Supreme Muslim Council was supposed to last only five years – but, of course, he never gave up the title or permitted elections.
Al-Husseini also maintained total control over the sizable stipend provided to the Council by the British colonial government, and he seized all Muslim charity money and started new charities of his own – all donations went to the “Grand Mufti.”
In addition to controlling all Muslim money, al-Husseini seized control over all mosques, Muslim schools, and Muslim courts.
He ran the Palestinian Arab institutions like a gangster such that no one could reach a position of power in the Arab community without first “kissing the ring.”
He even had his own “button men,” which he used to systematically murder Palestinian Arabs from rival clans/tribes.
Specifically, any clan/tribe that dared discuss cooperating with Jews was violently targeted by the Grand Mufti’s thugs.
To be fair, some of the money al-Husseini controlled was put to constructive use. The now-iconic golden dome over the Dome of the Rock was funded by al-Husseini. He also initiated renovations at the Al-Aqsa Mosque and Temple Mount, both of which had fallen into complete squalor and disrepair under the neglectful Ottomans.
Al-Husseini’s goal in ordering the renovations was to increase the prominence of Jerusalem in the Arab and Muslim world. And it worked.
Muslim Palestinians are traditionally Sunni and see Jerusalem as the third holiest place in Islam after Mecca and Medina. Jerusalem rose in prominence among Sunnis in part because of political turmoil in the 7th century when the House of Umayyah, which ruled in Damascus, adopted Jerusalem as a religious and political center to compete with Mecca.
On the other hand, Shi’ites traditionally did not see Jerusalem as a holy place. Instead, the Shi’ites reviled Jerusalem for having been “sanctified” by the House of Umayyah whom Shi’ites despised for murdering Hussein bin Ali.
Today, however, you will note that both Sunnis and Shi’ites (like the Iranian regime) essentially compete for the title of “protector” of Jerusalem because of its anti-Israel and/or anti-Jewish jihadi connotations and the desire to be seen as the “protector” of all Muslims.
CNN reporting
al-Aqsa Mosque

Latest revision as of 09:41, 27 November 2023

! draft page !








genocide ?


Ok - here's the "biggie" on how the #Brits created a monster in al-Husseini with effects that still reverberate today.

From April 4-7, 1920, during Passover and the annual Nabi Musa procession in #Jerusalem (#Muslim festival to what Muslims consider the “tomb of Moses” in the #Judean desert, 7 miles south of Jericho), a 23-year-old Hajj Amin Al-Husseini (whose family had been made custodians of the tomb by the Ottomans) incited the first major riot against #Jews in Eretz #Israel in the 20th century.

The #British occupying forces (this was just weeks shy of the Mandate implementation) withdrew and forced Jewish police officers to also withdraw from the Old City.

The result? No one there to stop the incited #Arab mob from attacking Jews and looting their shops.

It was later learned that British Colonel Waters Talor (financial advisor to Military Administration in Palestine) met with al-Husseini in the days leading up to the riot and told him to use the festival to show the world that #Zionism was unpopular not only with the British Palestinian Administration, but with the Arabs as well.

Colonel Talor told Al-Husseini that if there was sufficient violence (especially on Easter), the British Generals, Gols and Allenby, would advocate the abandonment of a Jewish state. He further told al-Husseini that “freedom” could only be “obtained through violence.”

Meanwhile, on their way back from the pilgrimage, al-Husseini whipped up the crowd into an anti-Jewish frenzy, and they marched through Jerusalem’s Jewish Quarter chanting, “slaughter the Jews” and “the government is with us.”

By 10:30 am on April 4, 1920, 60,000-70,000 Arabs were congregated in the Old City, and al-Husseini’s followers had already been attacking Jews for more than an hour.

This was not enough for Al-Husseini. So, he gave a speech to the gathered 60,000-70,000 Arab Muslims and said, “if we don’t use force against the #Zionists and against the Jews, we will never be rid of them.” The crowd shouted back at him, “independence!” and “the Jews are our dogs.”

Arab police officers (who were not forced to withdraw by the British) joined in applause; and the mob knew it had free reign to terrorize Jerusalem’s Jews.

The Jewish Quarter was ransacked. Torath Chaim Yeshiva was raided. Torah scrolls were torn and thrown on the floor, and the building was set on fire.

Over the next three hours alone, at least 160 Jews suffered minor to severe injuries.

The longer the riot went on without anyone there to stop it, the more bloodthirsty the crowd became. In fact, the festivalgoers began chanting, “we will drink Jewish blood.”

Suddenly, not only were Arab Muslims rioting, but Arab Christians joined in as well and carried signs that said, “Will we betray our land for the murderers of Jesus?”

There were decent Arabs in Jerusalem that day also. Khalil al-Sakakini – a Palestinian orthodox Christian teacher, scholar, poet, and Arab nationalist – wrote about seeing Jews covered in dust and blood when he noticed an Arab with a sack filled with loot approach a young Jewish shoe shiner. He took the boy’s shoeshine box and started beating him in the head with it. The Jewish child, covered in blood, began screaming and ran away. The Arab attacker then simply rejoined the procession as they chanted, “Muhammad’s religion was born with the sword.” Al-Sakakini wrote that this episode made him “nauseated and depressed by the madness of humankind.”

Eventually, the British troops imposed a curfew and arrested several dozen rioters. But, the following morning, they permitted those same rioters – including the ones they had arrested – to attend morning prayers; and the attacks against the Jews continued.

Jewish homes were broken into, especially in buildings that were Jewish-Arab mixed. Then, the attacks got more brazen.

Arab rioters set Jewish homes on fire and smashed Jewish tombstones. The violence increased.

The emboldened, crazed rioters began raping and murdering Jews.

So, what did the British do? They evacuated the Old City. And what do you think happened the next day? More riots.

On the morning of April 6, the Arab rioters attacked Jews near Hannah Yaffa and the Temple Mount. There, three Jewish families had been holed up in their homes since the riots began. Eventually, the rioters broke down the doors and beat the families – including the children – with iron bars. Two young women (aged 25 and 15) were raped.

The Nebi Musa Riots led to Jews arming themselves and learning to defend themselves in their land. But, up to this point, the Jews had no training and no weapons. Jabotinsky had a small group of Jews trained in self-defense ready to go in and try to defend their brothers and sisters. But, the British troops refused them entry.

Five Jews were murdered, at least 216 Jews were injured (18 of them were left in critical condition), and due to underreporting, it is unknown how many rapes were committed.

Eventually, after strong outcry from Jewish leaders, the British authorities named al-Husseini the principal instigator of the riots. But naming him the instigator of the riots against Jerusalem’s Jews only caused al-Husseini to rise in popularity among the Arab population. Suddenly, he was seen as the leader of Mandate Palestine’s Arabs, and the British crowned him “Grand Mufti” only months later.

The British Palin Commission of Inquiry into the riots also wrote, “all evidence shows that these attacks were of a cowardly and treacherous nature. Most were against the elderly, women and children – the majority were wounded in the back of the neck.” Even more damning, the Inquiry heard eyewitness testimony that British administration officials had sided with the Arabs and helped incite the anti-Jewish riots.

Now, this next part is VERY important because MANY OPPORTUNITIES for #peaceful #coexistence were missed/lost along the way.

Many Arabs were disgusted by the riots. In fact, sheikhs from 82 villages around Jaffa and Jerusalem (who claimed to represent 70% of the population) drafted a document expressly condemning the anti-Jewish riots and proclaiming that Zionists were “not a danger” to Arab communities.

In fact, similar express declarations were sent to London in 1922 where hundreds of Palestinian Arab sheikhs and muhktars put their names to letters supporting Jewish immigration in an effort to improve industrial development of the land, and therefore the lives of their fellow Arabs.

Part II on the Brits creating the al-Husseini monster, or rather, mobster.

In addition to naming him “Grand Mufti,” the British colonial government also appointed al-Husseini head of the Supreme Muslim Council (an organization that previously did not exist) and provided him with extensive resources.

Unfortunately, al-Husseini kick-started the kleptocratic and autocratic traditions of Palestinian Arab rulers.

Just as Mahmoud Abbas is currently in the 18th year of his four-year term, al-Husseini’s term as head of the Supreme Muslim Council was supposed to last only five years – but, of course, he never gave up the title or permitted elections.

Al-Husseini also maintained total control over the sizable stipend provided to the Council by the British colonial government, and he seized all Muslim charity money and started new charities of his own – all donations went to the “Grand Mufti.”

In addition to controlling all Muslim money, al-Husseini seized control over all mosques, Muslim schools, and Muslim courts.

He ran the Palestinian Arab institutions like a gangster such that no one could reach a position of power in the Arab community without first “kissing the ring.”

He even had his own “button men,” which he used to systematically murder Palestinian Arabs from rival clans/tribes.

Specifically, any clan/tribe that dared discuss cooperating with Jews was violently targeted by the Grand Mufti’s thugs.

To be fair, some of the money al-Husseini controlled was put to constructive use. The now-iconic golden dome over the Dome of the Rock was funded by al-Husseini. He also initiated renovations at the Al-Aqsa Mosque and Temple Mount, both of which had fallen into complete squalor and disrepair under the neglectful Ottomans.

Al-Husseini’s goal in ordering the renovations was to increase the prominence of Jerusalem in the Arab and Muslim world. And it worked.

Muslim Palestinians are traditionally Sunni and see Jerusalem as the third holiest place in Islam after Mecca and Medina. Jerusalem rose in prominence among Sunnis in part because of political turmoil in the 7th century when the House of Umayyah, which ruled in Damascus, adopted Jerusalem as a religious and political center to compete with Mecca.

On the other hand, Shi’ites traditionally did not see Jerusalem as a holy place. Instead, the Shi’ites reviled Jerusalem for having been “sanctified” by the House of Umayyah whom Shi’ites despised for murdering Hussein bin Ali.

Today, however, you will note that both Sunnis and Shi’ites (like the Iranian regime) essentially compete for the title of “protector” of Jerusalem because of its anti-Israel and/or anti-Jewish jihadi connotations and the desire to be seen as the “protector” of all Muslims.


CNN reporting

al-Aqsa Mosque
