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* [https://www.lewrockwell.com/2021/09/jon-rappoport/the-failure-to-prove-the-virus-exists/ The Failure to Prove the Virus Exists]
* [https://www.lewrockwell.com/2021/09/jon-rappoport/the-failure-to-prove-the-virus-exists/ The Failure to Prove the Virus Exists]
* https://www.lewrockwell.com/lrc-blog/5-spectacular-fails-from-germ-theory/
* https://www.lewrockwell.com/2023/01/michael-mckay/the-no-virus-theory-from-an-austrian-perspective/

== North Korea ==
== North Korea ==

Latest revision as of 09:15, 24 January 2024

LewRockwell.com, aka LRC, aka “the Lew Rockwell Cult” [1].

If you hang out with the Rockwell crowd, you’re hanging out with people who want to kill homosexuals and heretics (North), give keynote addresses at conventions of neo-Nazi crackpots (Sobran), work directly with the racist and KKK-sympathizing Council of Concerned Citizens (Francis), etc., etc. You can make choices about with whom to associate. I think that if more decent people knew what kind of moths were fluttering around the Lew Rockwell flame, they’d stay away.

Tom G. Palmer, “Gary North, Lew Rockwell, and the Politics of Stoning Heretics & Homosexuals to Death

Hats off to Lew Rockwell and his friends, for doing their best to debase libertarian ideas by associating them so closely with some of the the worst and scariest people ever to scuttle under a rock. (There’s more under the archives labeled “The Fever Swamp.”)

Now I’m going to go and wash my hands. The experience of sorting through all the dirt that Lew Rockwell churns out has that effect on me.

Tom G. Palmer, “and Bigotry, Delivered Courtesy of Lew Rockwell


https://www.lewrockwell.com/2018/12/no_author/dugin-uprising-in-france-the-anatomy-of-populism-and- challenging-the-matrix/

Antisemitism and Holocaust denial

David Irving, Ron Unz, Paul Craig Roberts...


Racism, white supremacism

  • Sweden [ racist implication with the context of the others...]


See also

theory of evolution denial


germ theory denial

North Korea
