Hans-Hermann Hoppe

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  • “I will do the following in this chapter: First, I will present a series of theses that constitute the hard-core of the Marxist theory of history. I claim that all of them are essentially correct.” Hans-Hermann Hoppe, The Economics and Ethics of Private Property


Therefore, one must advise small states to pursue a strict policy of neutrality. Of course, they should arm themselves. It should not be without cost to attack them. Nevertheless, if you know there is no chance to win a war against a foreign power, you have to consider surrendering, because you see that only one corrupt gang is exchanged for another corrupt gang. For example, the Ukraine war: It is not the case that Ukraine has been an exemplary democratic Western state. On corruption indices they were worse than Russia. The economic productivity per person in Ukraine is lower than the economic productivity per person in Russia. The leaders in Ukraine are corrupt.

— Hans-Hermann Hoppe[10]


See also:

Anarchism or monarchism

"If one must have a state ... then it is economically and ethically advantageous to choose monarchy over democracy."


DAILY BELL: It has been suggested that the only way to reorganize society is via a return to the clans and tribes that characterized Homo sapiens communities for tens of thousands of years. Is it possible that as part of this devolution, clan or tribal justice could be reemphasized?

HOPPE: I don't think that we, in the Western world, can go back to clans and tribes. The modern, democratic state has destroyed clans and tribes and their hierarchical structures, because they stood in the way of the state's drive toward absolute power. With clans and tribes gone, we must try it with the model of a private law-society that I have described. But wherever traditional, hierarchical clan and tribe structures still exist, they should be supported; and attempts to "modernize" "archaic" justice systems along Western lines should be viewed with utmost suspicion.





[11] [12] [13] [14]

The original controversy

As if the title were not bad enough...

French translations

Portuguese translations

Other works

ES http://www.enemigosdelestado.com/obsesionados-por-la-megalomania-por-hans-hermann-hoppe/ IT http://vonmises.it/2013/01/25/ossessionati-dalla-megalomania/



