White Asians

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Thomas Sowell, in his book on affirmative action, described one of the most popular methods of manipulating statistics, which is used by supporters of the policy of "positive discrimination". The fact is that the very existence of American Asians (Chinese, Japanese, Indians, etc.) greatly spoils the picture of post-colonial oppression, social injustice and other desired horrors. Since Asian Americans outperform American Whites in many ways (education, wealth, etc.) and are a living demonstration that people's success is derived from their work ethic, behavioral patterns, etc., race does not interfere with success. , and government redistributive measures are not needed.

And here in the report[1] (based on an analysis of the study of 16,000 students) they simply put Asians and whites in the same group. And, voila, "whites" are on horseback (actually Asians + whites), while "coloreds" (blacks, Indians, etc.) are lagging behind. Oppression? Oppression. If you click on the link now, you will find that the report has been deleted, and the authors apologize, but they write that it doesn’t matter: they say that the educational system of our area meets the needs of Asians and whites, but does not satisfy the needs of the rest.

In general, it is worth bearing in mind that if you are told about some Western studies that prove that systemic racial oppression still prevents people from achieving success - studies can be compiled in an interesting way.

Mihail Pojarsky 2020-11-17